
How Odysseus Is A Hero

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Give or Take, Odysseus Is a Hero While Odysseus is on his twenty year journey he adds many strengths as a hero. In the novel The Odyssey by Homer, the main character Odysseus faces many obstacles while at sea and learns the ways of the gods. His crazy experiences help shape is heroic skills in good and bad ways. While Odysseus grows as a hero, he declines as a father and husband. Even though he experiences many things and discovers new ideas, he is away from his family for a very long time. This causes him miss his son Telemachus’ childhood, he is also absent during most of his marriage and has been without a wife for quite some time. However, while evaluating his whole journey Odysseus has both strengths and weaknesses which affect him very …show more content…

Most of the risks he takes are for the better of his crew and that is what makes him a good hero. This includes killings the Cyclops which happens to be the son of Poseidon. It was very brave when he did this because Poseidon is the god of sea, and Odysseus spends most of his time on the sea. But, since Odysseus does everything for the best of his crew, he will go to any circumstances to keep them alive. While the giant was sleeping Odysseus explains, “So we seized our stake with its fiery tip and bored it round and round in the giant’s eye till blood came boiling up around that smoking shaft…” (9. 433-435). Odysseus’s actions of being a hero shows very boldly during his contact with Polyphemus. If Odysseus had not have taken action here him and his crewmates would have all died in that cave. There are many other times when Odysseus shines as a hero and saves his crew but this is just a big one that stood out to the readers. But, at the same time he is away from his family for way too long, and he is not proud of …show more content…

Many things have changed in Ithaca during the period of time he was away. This includes missing his son's growth from a child to a man. Every kid should have a father in their life, but especially a boy because there are some bonds a mothers cannot have with their son. Telemachus has not seen his dad since he was just an infant so all he has is the amazing stories of his father that people remind him about. About how he is such a great hero and a great person that has came out of Ithaca. The loss of his wife is also very important, because twenty years of staying loyal to a husband which Penelope has not seen or heard from in a long time is not fair. A young Telemachus cautiously replied, “I’ll try, my friend, to give you a frank answer. Mother has always told me I’m his son, it’s true, but I am not so certain. Who, on his own, has ever really known who gave him life?” (1. 248-251). No child should ever have to say this about their father. But Odysseus’s absence is very impactful for the both his son and wife. This is how Odysseus fails of being a hero, even to his own

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