
How Shakespeare Influence Today

Decent Essays

Worldwide, exceptional poets and play writers in history have been known for being profoundly influential on how society functions today. Writers were greatly influenced by events that had occurred in the past in a way that they are able to adapt to those ideas in present day. An example of this is demonstrated through the well-known and eminent playwright and poet, William Shakespeare. Over the course of years of history, Shakespeare has profoundly influenced the minds of writers and poets in a way that they were able to pass those ideas on in future generations. This idea is mentioned within the articles titled, “How Shakespeare influences the way we speak now,” and “William Shakespeare’s Impact on Theatre,” as well as the video titled, “Shakespeare …show more content…

It is generally known that a person is able to adapt to an aspect of history. This however, leads them to modernize the idea in order for them to comprehend the idea more thoroughly and fit the present-day standards. In the article titled, “How Shakespeare influences the way we speak now,” written by Hephzibah Anderson, Shakespeare’s influence on the English language today is mentioned throughout the text. In the article, Anderson mentions how Shakespeare had allowed people to creatively think and establish words by using a Shakespearean words as a foundation. In paragraph 2 Anderson states, “He gave us uniquely vivid ways in which to express hope and despair, sorrow and rage, love and lust.” This quote displays how people were able to creatively produce words that expressed their emotions due to their guidance by Shakespeare’s language. To add on, this had caused people to expressively produce words like never before that conveyed emotion in a distinctive manner. In paragraph 3 Anderson states, “That one play alone has inspired other writers in numerous genres, at far-flung ends of the literary spectrum.” Anderson explains that one of Shakespeare’s plays was a basis of the inspiration of numerous writers. Further, it was the

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