
How Star Trek Revolutionized American Television

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How Star Trek revolutionized american television In the late 1960's, America was at a turning point in history. Revolutionary civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated. President Johnson had just passed the fair housing act (the last bill to be passed in the civil rights act of 1968), fully recognizing african americans as legal citizens attentions. From the start the show was like nothing else on television at the time. Gene Roddenberry the creator of Star Trek was all about the risks. After receiving a second pilot and getting the ok to continue filming, he insisted on having a racially mixed cast to give viewers the preception that racism and prejudice would be eradicated in the future. In one of his most …show more content…

The cast thought was that it was ridiculous, but a decision was made with Gene Roddenberry to film two alternate versions of the scene. In the first version Captain Kirk kissed Uhura in front of the camera to the directors dissatisfaction. In the second version Captian Kirk turned Uhura around obscuring her from the view of the director, but also purposely ruined the scene by crossing his eyes forcing the episode to go with the kissing scene. Thus, the first african-american to caucasian kiss was aired on american television. The National Broadcasting Company (NBC) had concerns the episode would anger TV stations in the Deep South (Gerogia, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi Louisiana and in Texas), and had had similar concerns with musical sequence earlier that year featuring the first direct physical contanct between a afrian-american and a caucasian. The actual reception from the fans was extremely positive, with only one mildly negative letter from one white southerner who wrote "I am totally opposed to the mixing of races. However, any time a red-blooded American boy like Captain Kirk gets a beautiful dame in his arms that looks like Uhura, he ain't gonna fight it.". Nichols stated that Plato's Stepchildren was "the most memerable episode of [the] last

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