
How Technology Hinders Society

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After studying this unit in history and literature classes, I believe that technology hinders society and our personal lives. We've created a machine that can go beyond human knowledge. Mankind now depend a lot on technology... Skinner's in his quote, " The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do. "After studying this unit in history and literature classes I believe that technology hinders society and our personal life.
The impact of technology has hindered society and mankind. Technology is a hindered to man kind because it is taking out all the skills humans have to do. While a machine does all the work, humans get to sit around controlling or doing another task that isn't as skillful as what the machine is doing. In the story The Machine Stops, people's lives are controlled by the machine. For example, in the passage it states, " There were buttons and switches everywhere - buttons to call for food for music, for clothing." (Forster, pg.3). This shows that we won't be capable of doing simple tasks in the future and have everything done for us in a push of a button. This is important because if we keep making inventions that can out smart mankind, then there isn't need of our knowledge. In addition, …show more content…

In the story The Machine Stops, humans are being overindulge. For example, in the passage it states, "The man in front dropped his Book - no great matter, but it disquieted them all. In the rooms, if the Book was dropped, the floor raised it mechanically... and the man, instead of picking up his property, felt the muscles of his arm to see how they had failed him. " (P.6. This shows that we become weak as the days pass by with a new invention that makes our life easier. This is important because we are creating machines that take away any skills that we use to do in our work.

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