
How The Email Disrupted Snail Mail

Best Essays

Temple University

How the Email Disrupted Snail Mail
Disruptive Technologies

Andrew Lydon
Emerging Technologies CIS 4108
Dave Keble

Andrew Lydon
Dave Keble
Emerging Technologies

Disruptive Technologies: How the Email Disrupted Snail Mail and the Way in Which We Communicate

Introduction Although emails can feel less formal and at times include the use of poorly used grammar resulting in the message not exactly as clear as we would like it, the email revolutionized the way in which we communicate. In the following essay we will touch on how and why the email is creating a new culture within the way we communicate with people. A few of the key points we will touch on are how the speed of …show more content…

As time and society evolved, religious orders and universities developed a mail system to exchange current events, information, and any other significant news that was taking place. As the postal service and society continued to progress, private individuals were able to utilize this relay of messengers delivering mail. By the 18th century international postal service was commonly exchanged between countries that agreed to participate in international postal service. During the year 1840 the international postal service was growing so complex that reform was needed to simplify it. Sir Rowland Hill was credited with introducing the system where postage for mail was prepaid in the form of a postage stamps to fund this ever increasing delivery system. (Universal Postal Union) The definition of email, or electronic mail, is “a system for sending messages from one individual to another via telecommunication links between computers or terminals using dedicated software. (” Among the people I commonly communicate with, having an email is just as common if not more common as having an actual physical mailing address. For example, a student attending Temple University can use a different postal address for each year of their academic studies due to moving to different locations, but throughout each semester the student is usually using the same exact email address. According to an article by Mashable, email can be traced back to 1971, if you

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