
How The Military Is Classifying Transgender And The Process Of The Service Member 's Gender

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How the Military is classifying Transgender and the process to undergo for a Transgender to change the service member’s gender.
12Y Geospatial Engineer Advanced Leaders Course
Class 001-17 SSG Anthony, Daniel S.

How the Army is classifying Transgender and the process to undergo the change of the service member’s gender. Classifying a person’s gender weather the person is female or male through their biology. A person may feel gender dysphoria through their childhood or adulthood to cause them to want to change their gender. The process a service member must go through is Gender Transition process. This process helps identify if the service member is able to go through the process, …show more content…

This process helps identify if the service member is able to go through the process either for the service member’s needs, while preserving military readiness. The Gender Transition process helps the service member to go through living their life fully in their preferred gender. Going through this process may take time because it’s a process of a team effort with their chain of command and Military Medical Provider (MMP). The service member may progress on varying timelines, from the chain of command, Military Medical Provider (MMD) and others to approve the soldiers request to undergo the Gender Transition process. The commander plays a key role in the Gender Transition process because they are the ones that make the recommendations and actions. The commander recommends the timing of the medical treatment, timing of the Real Life Experience (RLE), and request for the Exception to Policy (ETP) associated with Gender Transition, and the change of the service member’s gender marker in the personal data system.
The service member will undergo a long process with their chain of command and Military Medical provider (MMP). The process the service member must undergo through are nine steps. These nine steps, the service member will be working with their chain of command to accomplish. The first step is getting a medical diagnosis and a medical treatment plan from your Military Medical provider (MMP). This step allows

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