
How The Whole Publishing Process Been For Me So Far?

Decent Essays

1. When inspired me to write? Well, I like every other writer out there have a deep love of books, and after reading many, many of them, I had read some great ones, a lot of good ones, and some very poor ones. So, like most people, after reading some of these bad books, I said to myself, “I can do better than this, how did this get published?” So, eventually, I had decided to give writing a shot and I haven’t looked back so far.
2. While you were writing, did you ever feel as if you were one of the characters? Ha, this is a weird question for me because I’ve written several pieces from a female character’s perspective. But, yeah, I think every character you’ve created is a little piece of you in some way.
3. How has the whole publishing process been for me so far? What advice would you give to new authors who are looking to publish? The publishing process has been a real learning experience for me. I didn’t know anything about it when I first started writing so it’s been a lot of trial and error. As for advice for someone looking to publish, I’d tell them that they should be prepared to put in an awful lot of hours of work for little to no results. This is definitely not a field you want to get into if you’re looking for instant gratification.
4. What influences in your life did you use for "In the Forest of Light and Dark”? I like to do a lot of hiking so it was during a camping trip in Letchworth State Park that I came up with the idea for “In the Forest”. Other than

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