
The Convergence Of The Twain By Thomas Hardy

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How Thomas Hardy Presents the Tragedy of the Sinking of the Titanic in the Poem The Convergence of the Twain On the fateful day of April 1912, the great ship known as the Titanic collided into an enormous Iceberg. Down went the colossal ship and so did the rich, famous and all their valuable goods. The reports of people drowning were in all of the newspapers but not in one of them was there anything about what happened to the ship under the sea. In Hardy's poem, there is nothing about what happened to passengers on the huge liner but instead he has described (in his point of view) the ship under the sea and the sea creatures that pass by. He did that because he thought that the human side of the …show more content…

Juxtaposition is used quite a lot in the poem this helps exaggerated the images trying to be described. "Of her salamandrine fire, Cold currents third, and turn to the rhythmic tidal lyres." A Salamandrine is a mythological creature that had been told to inhabit fire. So the heat from steel chamber that powered the great ship is a good contrast to the cold currents at the bottom of the sea. In some of the stanzas in the poem Hardy has used alliteration such as; " Jewels in joy designed To ravish the sensuous mind Lie lightless, all their sparkles bleared and black and blind." The use of alliteration in this line is really emphasized when you read it because you can't really read it smoothly, each of those words stands out. Also Hardy makes good use of sibilance. " In the shadowy silent distance grew the iceberg too." The repeated use of the letter 's' makes the line sound like a whisper. Hardy personifies quite a lot of the inanimate objects described in his poem. "Dim moon-eyed fishes near Gaze at the gilded gear And query: "What does this vaingloriousness down here?"" The fish are indifferent about all the expensive objects on the ship because they

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