
How To Achieve The American Dream

Decent Essays

How would one describe the American Dream? The American Dream is the dream of living a simple and fulfilling life. The world perceives the American Dream as something that is equally attainable to everyone, when in reality it is a source of false hope.
A lot of men in the world believe they owe everything they have to America. “Everything I have-my career, my success, my family-I owe to America.” Even though one man says he owes everything to America, it doesn’t mean everyone has access to the American Dream. There are millions of other people in the world that are at a disadvantage to obtain the American Dream. The government wants all kids to have a shot at the American Dream, “We can make sure that every child in America has a decent shot at life”. In America there will always be someone who can not support themselves or is having some type of trouble. People in the world should not believe that they owe anything to America because they owe anything they have to themselves. It is hard to believe that the American Dream is equally attainable in a world where hate and discrimination is alive. In the poem America by Claude Mckay he is treated …show more content…

Going to school does not guarantee a good education. “There are failing schools all over America that prevent millions of American children from ever getting the education they need to achieve their American dream”. If Americans go to school and don’t learn anything than it’s going to be harder for people to achieve the American Dream. It is hard to get a college education if you can not pay for it. America's education ratings are dropping. “Our decline in this regard corresponds with a dramatic increase in what it costs to earn a college degree”. When you can’t afford college, you can not go to college. If you can not go to college than it will be hard to have the American Dream. Education is a quality that you need in order to

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