
How To Bear-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

“After some hilarious acrobatics, the two men were able to get the bat to fly out of the cabin.” (Location 1371) “Man, I’m beat,” Matt declared as Ben fought with the wind to shut the door behind them. “Yeah,” Ben answered as he wiped the rain from his face. After Matt set his bag on his bed he tried to get a channel on the TV, “I guess we will have no TV tonight, only static,” he said, “I’ll just shower before bed then.” “Okay,” Ben said as he started to stretch. Once Ben heard the shower was activated he started to practice some more tricks for the circus they would be in next week. He started with a simple cartwheel, easy, he got it right away. Next, he tried a handstand. The pounding of thunder interrupted his concentration and …show more content…

That was going to have to be their door for the night. They both heard clicking noises which caused them to turn around. “Ahh,” Matt screamed as he went to cower behind the couch and cover his head. “It’s only a bat,” Ben said, “It’s smaller than you.” “Yeah,” Matt shouted, “so is a grenade!” Ben rolled his eyes and said, “Fine. I will get it.” He grabbed the broken lamp and used it to guide it out of the room as Matt ever so boldly held the mattress. Once the bat was gone Matt ran towards the bathroom, hands in the air screaming, “I HAVE to take a shower now!” “Germaphobe,” Ben called Matt under his breath. As soon as Matt was done with his shower they climbed into bed. The two friends had to share a bed since the other mattress was on the wall blocking the rain and the bats. “Ben,” Matt whined, “Give me some blankets.” “Nope,” Ben sighed with content. “Blanket hog,” Matt muttered under his breath as he got up and headed towards the windows. He yanked them off the rods and curled back up on the bed with them. “Really,” Ben asked. “Hey,” Matt explained, “It was either this or the shower curtain.” “Whatever,” Ben said, “Night Matt.” “Night Ben,” Matt

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