
How To Identify Celie's Fight For Freedom

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Growing up Celie was taught that men are the ones that take control of everything. She feels that she has to listen to her dad and let her dad take control of her decisions. Celie isn’t able to express who she truly is or who she wants to be. Unlike Sophia and Shug they were taught that they are their own people and have the freedom to express who they are. Celie looks up to Shug who is confident. “ I think what color Shug Avery would wear. She like a queen to me…” It is clear that Celie wants to be like Shug, and follow her steps in life. To achieve freedom Celie needs to find who she wants to be and how she wants to live her life. Right now in the story Celie is just watching what everyone is doing. She isn’t taking a stand of who she really

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