
How To Love Baseball

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It’s 5:30 in the cool Texas mourning air. Mike is a 13 year old kid from San Antonio, TX. He is up early to get prepared for his 6:30 batting practice. Mike loves baseball, and his dad had helped him to learn how to love the game from an early age. Mike was in the car, on the way to the cages, talking to his dad. Mike and his dad had a good bond, they would tell eachother everything. Mike told his dad that he was just not feeling his swing. So they talked it out, by the time they were done talking they were at the cages. Now it was time to get to work. His team had to prepare for the big upcoming game against their crosstown rivals. Mike and his dad had worked on his swing for two hours. By the end, Mike was feeling good about his swing. At the game, Mike went 0-3 with a fly out and 2K’s, he was really struggling at the plate. But that didn't stop him from working out. He kept trying to get better and fix his swing. Even though Mike wasn't performing, his team was winning games. They were doing so well that they had won their division. Mike and his team had one week to work out before the playoffs. Mike and his dad got to work. They worked on hitting for two hours …show more content…

This would be the biggest game in Mike's carrier. At Mike's first at bat, he was stuck in a three two count and luckily squeezed in a single down the line. His next at bat, he squared up on a fastball over the middle, going over the center fielder's head for a triple. The triple tied the game 3-3. On his 3rd at bat, he hit a curveball for a double over the third baseman's head. The double gave his team the lead. At mike's last at bat, it was the bottom of the ninth and the game was tied. Mike got into the box and id his ruiten. The first pitch was right down the middle, which lead to mike's first home run. As he was rounding the bases his teammates were surrounding home plate. When he got to home plate his team congratulated his walk off home run to when state

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