
How To Make A Bath Bomb

Decent Essays

To make a bath bomb you need baking soda, corn starch, citric acid, Epsom salt, food coloring, a plastic mold, an essential oil for scent, and castor oil. Mix the dry ingredients together by adding ½ cup baking soda, ¼ cup of corn starch, citric acid, and Epsom salt. In a separate container mix the wet ingredients. For the wet mixture add three tablespoons castor oil, food coloring drops, one tablespoon essential oil, and one tablespoon of water. Mix well. SLOWLY add the liquid ingredients to the dry to ensure that the solution does not activate. Mix well. Tightly pack the plastic mold with the mixture, and let the molds sit over night or until ready for use. When you are ready to use the bath bomb gently tap both sides of the mold to release

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