Last year in my physics class, there was this project where I had to work with two other people to design and build unique a rube goldberg machine. Now, a rube goldberg machine is a series of small reactions that triggers one another, with the final reaction being to complete a simple task. Our task was to pour a graduated cylinder full of water that was on a table, into a cup that was on the ground, all of which had to be completed in 10 steps. The entire project took about seven days to complete and we did achieve our goal of pouring water into the cup. However, during the project, we did have a lot of conflicting ideas on how to complete the project. We also had days where all we did was sit around and start from scratch because the plan
This project was quite expeditious due to the number of alternate subjects studied within the constraints of school. This made it quite difficult to complete because time limits were evident and tested. This could have had a substantial impact on the project itself, however, it did not because of skill and precision. Working individually could be beneficial in certain circumstances if one is smart, advantages might include independence and personal idea. Although, it was not easy coming up with good ideas and multi-tasking in different areas individually. In addition, working in a class group was helpful due to the amount of
For my Rube Goldberg Project, my group and I decided to push in a soap dispenser that was on the wall. We created a five step process that had worked numerous times before, but sadly failed to work when presenting. Even though this happened, we had many steps that reflected motion, force, mass, friction, and transferring energy. Our steps were having a marble roll down a ramp, which landed on a metal casing that would propel it forward. This marble would hit some dominoes that were lined up in three rows and knock them all down. Two books were at the end of these lines, so they were to knock each other over and have one book land on a remote controller. This would press in the forward button, making a remote controlled car that was placed on top of a cardboard box advance forward and hit the soap dispensers button.
Our Rube Goldberg machine has fifteen steps, and in every step, there is a transfer of energy. In our machine there are three simple machines a wheel, a pulley, and a lever. These simple machines help conserve energy, and there is less work needed to accomplish a task. This project also helped us learn life lessons.
The imagine that is displayed in the textbook is called the Rube Goldberg Machine. It was invented by a cartoonist named, Jeffrey Coolidge, whom was known for displaying simple tasks in complex ways. The image presented in the textbook, is showing how to turn on a light switch, by moving necessary objects with certain amount of force to be triggered. One must first set the obstacle into action for the effect to happen.
Our Rube Goldberg Machine consists of exactly fifteen steps. It includes all fifteen required areas of physics.
The students ranging from high school to college are encouraged to use teamwork and problem solving skills to complete the task.
Our group is making a rube goldberg machine. A rube goldberg is a complex machine with a chain reaction that is designed to form a simple task. One example of a simple task that it can perform is flipping a light switch. To begin this project we cut a piece of wood as an inclined plane. Next, we took a bouncy ball, so that it would roll down the inclined plane and hit a baseball. Since the baseball is heavier than the bouncy ball, it will roll on the flat surface(Add description of what flat surface). After that it should go directly into the cup. The ball will then exert force on
Making the experiment is not that hard (in my opinion). Besides the experiment taking your time, and your pateince, the experiment will require you to make a carrier for the egg (usually made from wood, plastic, straw, or paper). The next material you will need is the wheels. The wheels are goiong to probably be made out of similar materials. You also will need a seat, which the placement of that seat can be anywhere. The few final things you will need is an elevated surface such as a table. You will need a ramp for the carrier to go down, and you will need a wall to stop it of course. From there you can add any of the safety features you feel neccesary, and see what happens. If the egg stays together, congrats! Your car works, but if it doesn't crack don't worry you still did a good job, because the egg represents a human. To make the egg even more believable as a human, you can add putty to the outside which simulates skin, and the inside of the egg is organs, and delacate tissue. The egg car was also used to learn about Kinectic energy.Kinetic energy is energy in motion. When the car is atop the ramp, the carrier would have an amount
Chain Reactions A chain reaction is lots of things happening caused by a starter object. One thing is in motion, and it sets off another thing. The first object hits another, which hits another and causes some form of motion like speed, sound, or even rotation. Chain reactions can go for as long as a person makes them.
Last year in 7th grade, Phoenix Project, a simulation of a government facing many challenges, was held and I was one of the leaders of my class. Given a huge task on researching the short time solution of a drought after an earthquake was not something I can finish without my teammates. To complete this task, my group had to do the research and the presentation. Luckily, my friend was helping me along, and my classmates also contributed their ideas. Although I wasn’t as doubtful like Matthew from the book, I was still worried about the time limit we were given.
This would not be possible without the help of simple machines, which change the size, direction, and distance of a force it carries out. In other words, simple machines decrease the amount of work it is necessary to complete a task- they change the amount of energy used to move something, change the direction of applied force, and convert one force to another. To illustrate this, a wheel and axle is a simple machine that lessens the amount of work used to move something across distances, such as cars, which move people around easier. The wheel is the rounded part along with the axle which is the post shaped as a cylinder- together they cause movement. In addition, a pulley is another example of a simple machine. Pulleys change the direction of an exercised force. An example of this is a flagpole. The rope helps to lower and raise the flag easilier. Even more, there are four other simple machines including levers, inclined planes, wedges, and screws which are all utilized in Rube Goldberg
If I were to assign myself a mark, I would give myself a level 4. Firstly, our machine had more than four subsystems, which was more than what was required. In addition, many of our subsystems were not too simple, such as the pendulum and the catapult, which took several trials. In fact, it took us 37 tests to complete get the machine to do the task. However, we were determined and had the perseverance to finish this project. Furthermore, we put a lot of time and effort to make our Rube Goldberg work. We put extra work to our Rube Goldberg by testing and doing the project at school and at home. Moreover, we took the responsibility to get to talk to you about how well our project was and what modifications we can do to make the machine better.
The purpose of our Rube Goldberg machine is to turn on a light. The end task will pull a string to turn a light on. At the beginning of our machine we are going to have a ball at the top of an inclined plane. Then we are going to push it down and it is going to go around a screw shaped track. It’s going to continue down another inclined plane into a basket that is connected to a string. The string is part of a pulley system. The other side of the string will be tied to the end of a handle to turn gears. The gears attached to the handle so that when the string is pulled up, then the gears turn. The gears will have a ball resting on them that will begin to roll when they are turned. It will continue down the track and down the inclined plane.
The first people were the representatives from Holliday Nature Preserve that helped me design the new part of the footbridge. They went down to the worksite to get the blueprints out and more people came to help. After about 20 minutes of people showing up and taking their tools down to the worksite, it was finally time to begin construction. The repair will be extending the bridge 16 feet to the top of the river bank with three 16 foot beams. Luckily there were many adults that could help lift the heavy beams into place because the young scouts wouldn’t be able to lift them on their own. While the adults did all the heavy lifting, I had the younger scouts work on digging water bars into the hill to stop further erosion of the river bank. The task of digging a hole for a 2x4 didn’t seem like a problem for the scouts, so I went to check on the footbridge. Coming down from the hill where the water bars were being placed, I could hear all the power tools like drills and saws being used to construct the walkway connecting the bridge to land. After watching everyone work together and have a good time, I decided to help saw the floor planks for the walkway. For about 15 minutes of sawing and talking to the adults that were taking a quick break themselves, I felt that the footbridge was coming along exactly as planned and I went to check the scouts. I didn’t expect the water bars to take along time to dig and I was right
In this experiment, no calculations were needed to be completed. However, there were sources of errors and variables that affected the design process of the catapult. Such as, a failure in picking a design, miscommunication, no retest, and an emotion of unpreparedness. To recall, there was not a collective collaboration on what design was going to be built. Instead, a variety of different designs were being built at the same time. Although having options is a positive outcome, it caused arguments between the members because everybody was pointing out the negative in their team members design. As a result, miscommunication and a lack of patience spreaded throughout the group. In addition to the tension, it caused the team to pick a last minute