
How To Remember Thanksgiving

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Most people's Thanksgivings are probably normal. Some people might not even celebrate Thanksgiving. My Thanksgivings are not normal at all there's a lot of crazy things that go on. I just wish one time we can have a normal Thanksgiving one time. But I still like what goes on at our Thanksgiving. So first of all at my house I help my mom make food to bring to my grandmas. Then my mom is mad because she has fibromyalgia and her back hurts alot. So I say one thing or do something that messes something up she gets mad. Then I watch the parade they have. Some people probably don't watch it. But it's like a tradition my mom would watch it. My grandpa liked to watch it so it's something special to my mom to do on every Thanksgiving. Then we go to my grandma's and me and my cousins do stuff like play outside. Some people might not even celebrate thanksgiving. Then we go inside and my dad cuts the turkey. Which some people might just eat ham during thanksgiving or something else. When we had thanksgiving when my grandpa and uncle were still alive me and my cousins would go to the basement and hang out with my grandpa. Then later at night we would hang out with my uncle. Some people might even go out to a restaurant because they probably don't want to cook. My grandma thinks the same thing after Thanksgiving. But …show more content…

Or at least that's what I would do if we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving. So when I said my Thanksgivings weren't usual I wasn't kidding. So at Thanksgiving there is tons and tons of cursing it's funny though. Then of course there's drinking. Which this is going to sound bad but, my uncle drinks a good amount he kinda sounds like a drunk but he isn't. Then he runs his mouth later at night kinda bringing everyone down. But one of us kids do something stupidly funny and change the subject. Or he runs his mouth to one person and they really don't care what he

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