
How To Solve The Great Deku Tree

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Link has always been different from the people around him. He was born as a Hylian, but was raised with Kokori. Some of the other Kokoris treated him differently. Treated him like crap because he was different. Treated him bad because he did not yet have a faerie of his own. Link was raised to believe he was a Kokori but he actually was Hylian and he had not known it yet. One morning, a faerie finally came to him, and told Link that the Great Deku Tree needed to see him. Before he could go see the Great Deku Tree, Mido made Link gather a sword and a shield. So he went and saw the Great Deku Tree, who said he needed Links help. The Great Deku tree had been cursed and he needed Link to break the spell so he wouldn’t die. Link thought that maybe the other Kokori would like him if he was a hero and saved the Deku Tree. …show more content…

In the end Link was successful and defeated the parasitic armored arachnid Gohma. Although Link was successful in defeating the evil within he was not successful in saving the Deku Tree. The Great Deku Tree knew all along that he was going to die, but he wanted to make sure Link was capable of saving the land of Hyrule and that he could trust link with the Kokori Emerald. He told Link the story about how his mom brought him to the Kokori Forest and how he was actually Hylian. After the Deku tree told Link about his past, he gave Link the Kokori Emerald. The Deku Tree’s final words were, Go Link… Go to hyrule and show the princess the spiritual stone of the forest… As Link was trying to leave the Deku Tree’s chamber Mido asked if the Deku Tree was dead. When Link told him he was Mido yelled at him and he said how could you let him die! Then Mido stormed off without letting Link explain anything. Link then began to think, maybe I don't belong, maybe it’s a good thing i’m leaving this forest, and left for who knows how

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