
The Real Heroine in the book, In the Time of Butterflies by Julia Alvarez

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The Real Heroine
Do you always stand up for what you believe in? Minerva and all of the Mirabal sisters stand up for what they believe in is right, but Minerva stands up for what she believes in throughout all of her life, not just a specific time. Minerva is the biggest heroine out of all of the
Mirabal sisters. Minerva wants to go to law school, therefore she asks Trujillo for his permission to go to law school. Minerva starts liking a young man, mostly because he stands up for what he believes in. Minerva also ends up marrying the love of her life and they end up starting a revolution over what they believe is right.
Why do you think Minerva does not follow Trujillo's ideas? Trujillo states, "I am speaking of the national …show more content…

Minerva and Lio go out secretly, until he has to flee from his town for the government is searching for him. Lio meets
Dede and tells her "I came to give this to Minerva" (82) In the letter Lio wrote for Minerva, he asks her to run away with him, to flee the country and leave everything else behind. Dede read the note then turned it to ashes. It was the only way to protect Minerva. Dede just knew Minerva would leave with Lio and she just wanted her sister to be safe. Minerva starts to believe she will never find another man like Lio. She worries she will never find a sneaky complicated love, ever again. But, Minerva is wrong.
Minerva falls in love and starts a revolution with the love of her life. Minerva told her little sister she had met someone at the capital, before she had told anyone else. Then of course
Mate told everyone, "She met someone very special in Jarabacoa" (123) Minerva and her special someone, Monolo, don't waste much time at all, they got married very soon after they met. It was truly love at first sight. As their wedding day approaches, Mate states "Today is the big day!" (133) Minerva is finally getting married to the love of her life. Mate and Minerva grow very close of the months. Mate stays with Minerva, Monolo, and their children often. Mate noticed something strange was

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