
Earth's Surface Lab

Decent Essays

Heating & the Earth’s Surface

The objective of this lab is to determine the impact that the angle of isolation and latitude have on the rate at which things are heated.

Angle of Insolation:
If the angle of insolation is increased, then the heat of the surface will increase.
Latitude’s Effect on Temperature:
If the latitude is increased, then the rate of heating decreases.

Heat Lamp
2 Temperature Probes
Globe Stand
3 Textbooks
90° block
30° block
Heat Lamp Stand

Angle of Insolation:
Place the three books on top of each other.
Set the blocks next to each other and tape a temperature probe to each.
Be sure to label which channel each temperature probe was plugged into …show more content…

The 90° block started at 24.8℃ and ended at 31.8℃ so it had a temperature change of 7℃. The 30° block had a starting temperature of 24.6℃ and a final temperature of 27.4℃ so it had a temperature change of 2.8℃. The Equator heated up quicker than the Arctic Circle. The Equator had a starting temperature of 25.7℃ and a final temperature of 29.4℃ so it had a temperature change of 3.7℃. The Arctic Circle had a starting temperature of 25.7℃ and a final temperature of 26.5℃ so it had a temperature change of .8℃.

Analysis: The rate at which the block with a higher angle of insolation heated up quicker because it was receiving more direct heat. The Equator receives more direct light than the Arctic Circle, therefore, it heats up faster than the Arctic Circle.

Sources of Error:
If the light was not perfectly in the center of the two blocks, one may have been receiving more heat causing it to heat up faster.
If the temperature probes were not parallel to each other and the surface when they were being heated it could have skewed the results.

Conclusion: As the angle of insolation increased, the rate of heating also increased. As the latitude increases, the rate of heating decreased. Therefore, the hypotheses were proved

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