
How Would You Define the Mesopotamian Ideal of Kingship? Essay

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How would you define the Mesopotamian ideal of kingship?
They believed in kingship, and it was an honor for a man by the gods. In contrast with other civilizations such as ancient Egypt, Mesopotamians consider a king to be a great man that was selected by the gods to represent them on earth and not divine. A king was expected to keep the gods informed of events in his land and could ask them for advice through the act of worship. This belief was reinforced through the wearing of the divine symbols of kingship, the rod and the ring.
Once Mesopotamians had interpreted the gods' selection of a king, they make a careful examination of the person or animal's to sacrificed on a favorable day, which becomes a strict regime which means a …show more content…

In addition, a king was expected to be a role model to his people. He was a symbol of human perfection for his subjects to emulate like in our president today.
What is the basis of the monarch’s legitimacy?
Religious is the basis, because they kings were chosen by Gods to considered being the legitimate.

What understanding of the afterlife does the epic suggest?
This can also be seen as the reason why the Egyptians wrote the Epic of Gilgamesh, considering their intention to drive away the previous fear and denial of death and reveal how they should perceive their lives by focusing on the present, rather than the future or death, and he also mentions that all mortals were created with the inevitability of death in the hands of gods. their immense fear and concern about the concept of death and express their fear in different forms, Gilgamesh continuously seeks a way to possess eternity in life. the message of Siduri's advice to Gilgamesh is that since all mortals were created to inevitably face death in the end, he should fully enrich and enjoy his life when the time is given, rather than attempting to deny and alter his fate as a mortal.

What philosophy of life comes across in the Gilgamesh story?
Gilgamesh is portrayed as an impetuous, overly violent, selfish and exploitative ruler in the main text of the epic but finally finds "peace" after returning from his encounter with the immortal flood hero. He learns ultimately that

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