
Child Nutrition And Exercise Essay

Decent Essays

More and more parents are struggling these days to find time for family exercise in their busy schedules. And even when the whole family comes together for a group activity, motivating kids to enjoy a physical workout is also a challenge. However, by planning fun and creative activities that involve the entire family, parents can help their children enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

One of the keys to teaching a child the importance of proper nutrition and exercise is to emphasize maintaining a healthy weight in their formative years. Expose your kids to the benefits of healthy living - a stronger body, increased confidence, and more energy - and most will make exercise a regular part of their lives. While it is never too late to begin …show more content…

Physical fitness for children can start off with turning a simple activity into a game. The kids just think they are playing a fun game, and do not even realize that they are exercising at the same time.

Activities that involve the whole family, either in pairs or a group, is another creative form of encouraging children to exercise. Competition will often motivate kids to work harder so divide family members into teams, and offer nutritious prizes for the winning squad. If your kids have friends hanging out at your house, invite them too. Regardless if you decide to play a game of basketball, frisbee, soccer, volleyball or even take a brisk walk, your kids can enjoy a family activity while also getting some much-needed exercise.

Kids have short attention spans and because of this, parents should provide their children with a variety of physical activities that will not only keep their interest levels peaked, but will help you and your children learn which activities they enjoy the most. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, including your kids. Plan an assortment of activities at regular intervals which are appealing, interesting, challenging and fun to your kids, and mix things up often so each activity does not become boring and predictable.

It is much easier for children who have parents with healthy lifestyles to choose the same path when it comes to physical

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