Being an entrepreneur is in a lot of ways similar to being an explorer. We set out on a long journey, regularly pushing our minds and bodies, and often have little or no idea of where the road will eventually lead us.
As an entrepreneur, though, it’s important—critical, even—to at least know the next few steps of your journey. You might have no idea where you’ll be in 5 years, but you’d better have a good idea of what you’re doing in the next few months — if you don’t your productivity and motivation are almost guaranteed to plummet.
In fact, the stronger your sense of purpose, the more you believe in yourself and what you’re doing right now, the more motivated and hard-working you’ll be. Think
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When you’re really getting excited about your dreams and ideas, start writing them down on paper. Just write down everything, even if a lot of it doesn’t seem very realistic. You can look at this later and combine it into a more realistic vision.
Method #2 — Five-Year Projection & Retrace
This is one of the most common and most effective, methods for finding your purpose and goals in the immediate future. I use this on a regular basis with very good results, and I would definitely recommend trying it at least once.
Start by getting into the same frame of mind as you would for creating your long-term vision (if you’re skimming, it’s the previous tip). Think about your ideal life, ignore any feelings of “that’s not realistic” and then start with the following process:
1. Write a short description of your perfect life in 5 years, covering everything that is important to you (business, friends, health, etc…)
2. Trace your vision back a few years. For your 5 year vision to become true, what would your life need to look like in 3 years?
3. Continue tracing your vision backwards, connecting the dots as you go. What would you need to do in 1 year to make your 5 year vision come true? How about 6 months, 3 months, next week?
4. At the end of this process, write down a list of actions that have to happen over the next weeks, months, and years to make your 5-year projections come true. These should be your immediate goals, and should provide some
Brainstorming all the thoughts that you feel are holding you back from achieve your goals.
At the end of my senior year of high school, I had to make a senior portfolio; part of the project was to write down your goals and make a timetable for where you see yourself in five or ten years. I wrote that my goal in life is to be happy and I skipped the timetable because if my goal is to be happy then I can’t plan out how to obtain that goal. Who knows what will make me happy in five years? Life is constantly changing; nothing actually stays the same. It is important to set goals for yourself, but my idea of goals is different. I want to be happy and my goal is to take whatever smaller steps are necessary to get there.
It is known in American history that the colored people have not been accepted in society. I too have not been accepted in a group because of my skin color, that is one example of why true racial and social equality will never be achieved in America. As suggested in “To Kill A Mockingbird” racial inequality has been around for centuries and to this day the white community has not fully seen the error of their ways. The american society has been that way and the American society will never change without a strong leader.
While money is a common motivation to work, this is a motivation that needs caution. We need to be careful with how we think about money. While money serves a function in our lives, we cannot let it control us. God knew before we were born the kind of hold that money can put on us. He provides us with guidance in His
During our session, I asked the participant a series of questions that focused on his goals and how he planned to obtain them. Some of the questions included “what do you want”, “what are you doing to get it”, “is it working”, and “what are your plans”. The participant appeared more enthused when discussing his goals and planning for the future. He was able to refrain from complaining and blaming and come to the realization that he would reach his goal by making the effort to evaluate his goals and create a plan that can be adjusted when
I don’t have an exact blueprint of how I wish to live my life in five years, neither do I plan to build one. Yet, I have dreams that I hope will in some way form into reality. In five years, I hope to have graduated from a four-year university, more specifically UC Berkeley. I
Well we all want to be successful in our goals that put meaning to our lives. Have you ever encountered the inclination that you've spent such a long time attempting to accomplish your goals however felt you have no place with it?
Aristotle recognizes that a human can be viewed as a social being living within a community. Now, in order to do so that same human would need to acquire an ability to appreciate the world around themselves. However, the duty and moral obligation of a human is useless without logic and rational thinking. There are various times that Aristotle explains the relationship between the means and ends. It is almost too simple to infer that if everything is acted with an end, then that in itself will be the good of everything, thus when there are several ends there are several goods.
Create a list of goals you want to achieve in your life or moments you want to experience. Consider all aspects of your life from the wellness wheel above. The purpose of this activity is to let go of the grips food has on your decisions and allow yourself to move freely through life with a sense of purpose (let go of the timeline and any minute details) let your imagination run wild and create intentions that you would like to move
American author, Ernest Hemingway, changed the way I dream through his words, “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” Prior to my introduction to the thoughts of Hemingway, I focused more on the numerical count that reflected the amount of goals I created, rather than the substance behind the aspirations and the necessary steps to accomplish them. Witnessing firsthand how easily a dream can become a distant memory has positively inspired me to improve the way I create, plan, and execute my goals. My current professional aspirations that span over a five year period, are a product of my labor in developing the skills to turn my dreams into a reality.
2. Ideally, successful, inspired, independent, and skilled are just a few ideas that describe my picture perfect image of what I imagine of my life 5 years ahead of today. After I receive my bachelor’s degree in Finance I plan to pursue higher education in a Master’s program for Finance. I would love to do my Master’s at a high profile school ranging from University of Florida to New York University. A vision I’ve always had of myself is that I would accomplish to be a business woman that works for a huge
5.It's crucial to be realistic about time frames. Sometimes our greatest plans will go awry and will take much longer than expected (much like newly discovered actors and singers who have been plugging their trade for many years before hitting the big time!)
4. Your life has a number of important dimensions, all of which deserve some attention in your personal vision statement. Write one important goal for each of them:
Now take that blank screen and play a movie featuring you in possession of the goal you seek. Make it vibrant, exciting and alive, with you playing the starring role. This is another visualization exercise that works very well. Another similar approach is to imagine that you're being honoured for your lifetime achievements. As part of the ceremony, there's a PowerPoint presentation featuring numerous stills of you doing, having, and being all that you've imagined. Put yourself in that place and see yourself being congratulated by many people.
The definition of entrepreneur is taking a big financial step which then you overcome obstacles that leads to your company’s success. For example, Steve Jobs creating Apple which change how we listen to music and how we communicate which one another at a global scale. Do I consider myself an entrepreneur or do I plan to be, well first I have to create something, an idea that will gain success in my life. I’m I already taking a financial step to attain a Bachelor degree? I’m taking a financial risk, to further my career and acquire a job in a company where you can share your ideas and gain experience and skills to maybe start your own company.