
Howard Gardner's Theory Of Multiple Intelligence Essay

Decent Essays

HOWARD GARDNER’S THEORY OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES A professor of education at Harvard University, Dr. Howard Gardner, developed the theory of multiple intelligences in 1983 (American Institute for Learning and Human Development, n.d.). Gardner’s theory suggests that traditional intelligence tests such as IQ tests, only meausures a limited aspect of human intelligence. Instead, this theory suggests that people have potential in eight areas of intelligence which are; linguistic, logical-mathematic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapesonal, and naturalist. People who have linguistic intelligence are good with words, they are able to use written and spoken words to effectively express themselves. Individuals who are logical-mathematic intelligent are able to anaylze problems logically, and use mathematical operations and the scientific method to solve problems. If a person’s strength is in musical intelligence, they have the ability to perform, compose and recognize musical patterns. Boldily-kinesthetic intelligence means an individual uses their physical abilities to solve problems. Spatial intelligence is the ability to recognize and use and interpret pictures. Interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences deal with understanding other people’s (intrapersonal) and your own (interpersonal) feelings and motivations. Lastly, naturalist intellgience is the ability to recognize and appreciate the relationship between humans and nature ("Gardner

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