Learning Team D Managerial Practices Executive Summary
Ora Howe, Curtis Cabil, Rito Timbal
September 15, 2014
Francis Hart
Learning Team D Managerial Practices Executive Summary
This team paper will in which analyze organizational behavior concepts associated with common managerial practices involved in day-to-day operations within criminal justice settings. This team paper will be sure to identify professional standards and values that apply across various components of the criminal justice system on a national level. In addition this paper will mention some of the new technology that benefits and helps the criminal justice settings.
Analyze Organizational Behavior Concepts Associated with Common Managerial
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Even the officers in state prison are taken as a part of law enforcement efforts unalike from others in that they enforce state laws within state institution. Federal levels: Different types of agents are working including the special agents, ranging from the FBI (federal bureau of investigation), Bureau of alcohol to the Indian Affairs bureau. Their job is not to enforce state or local laws but to interfere when matters at global level are concerned (UK Essays, 2014). The law enforcement field is changing in its organizational strategies, methods and various aspects. Organizational management aims in improving the services, and the trends of development at various levels of the policing organizations. As we all know that the police agencies are bestowed with routine functions at numerous operational levels. These agencies highly contribute to the criminal justice systems and contribute to the other organizations
(UK Essays, 2014).
The trends on which the future policing will operate rest on upon the way each of the organization is affected. It is these trends which explain the operational aspects within the policing system of government. The management employs different levels of individuals to make decisions based on the accomplishment of the organization. The organizational management differs at all the three levels as the local levels are limited to the jurisdictions assigned whereas the state levels enforces laws of state, locals
In criminal justice organizational settings the effectiveness of the department solely relies on the managers understanding of organizational effectiveness, its measurements, theories, and how to manage their employees. Given that Marion County is the biggest county in the state of Indiana, there are numerous departments and personnel that are involved in its criminal justice system. Within the Marion County Superior Courts, there are different entities used to help supervise offender pre and post-trial. Some of these entities consist of Marion County Community Corrects, Marion County Probation Department, and Marion County Jail. This paper will review the Marion County Probation Department’s organizational design, its effectiveness and recommendations
Stojkovic, Kalinich, & Klofas. (2012). Criminal justice organizations: Administration and management (5 ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Write a 300- to 500-word executive summary in which you analyze organizational behavior concepts associated with common managerial practices involved in day-to-day operations within criminal justice settings. Be sure to identify professional standards and values that apply across various components of the criminal justice system on a national level.
In dealing largely with disorderly elements of the society, some people working in law enforcement may gradually develop an attitude or sense of authority over society, particularly under traditional reaction-based policing models; in some cases the police believe that they are above the law. In other cases, police corruption and misconduct may be explained by individuals and individual faults- behavioral, psychological, background factors, and so on.
There are many important elements of organizational behavior in a criminal justice or security agency. These elements of organizational behavior are guidelines to organization hire valuable employees with values, morals, and ethnics. Commitment to ethical behavior one of the elements among others that will be discuss in this paper. Commitment to ethical behavior is when unethical behavior and illegal business practice in an organization is publicized. This is element that is use in the criminal justice and security agencies because the public and businesses trust the agencies to perform their duties with professionalism, morality, and diligence. The public sees through the media about police officer who have been caught breaking the law
Criminal Justice Administrators must be analytical and creative while looking at the needs of the people from the public’s perspective. Administrators can use corrective tools to identify objectives to meet and improve on. For example, Visual management allows Criminal Justice Administrators to realize that waste will always be present allowing room to improve performance. Administrators must take time to understand what creates a defect and what creates an opportunity. It is the responsibility of the Administrator to provide opportunities and incentives for employees. This will cause employees to become energized about hearing the voice of the customers. The presence of quality provides an opportunity for all employees to become knowledgeable and involved in meeting the needs of
The principle role of police organizations is to uphold and enforce the law. Police organizations achieve this by safeguarding life and property, maintaining public order, and through detecting and preventing crime. Policing at the state level is composed of separate police organizations. At the state level we have the City or Local Police, County Sheriff and State Police, also known as Highway Patrol or State Troopers. The U.S. government gives each state the authority to self-govern so each state has its own Penal Codes and every state policing organization follows its own Penal Code. Policing at the Federal level is composed of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Secret Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). Federal policing agencies oversee all federal laws.
In this paper I would be identifying, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal organizational levels. I would be Analyzing how the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at these three organizational levels are similar or different and why. Also I would be identifying the leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level.
The agency, instituted by the council 63 years back, has done considerably well given the circumstances and challenges it is facing. With 155 sworn police officers and 70 civilian employees, the agency is becoming a fully-fledged unit. It has a low tenure force with over 30% of its officers having less than five years’ experience. The members of the council hired their friends which in a way may lower the qualification level of unit at large. With its inception, the agency has experienced and is still experiencing a couple of problems. Foremost is the rising population which is not in synch with the expansion of agency. Worse still the rising population is majorly composed of a poor population.
This paper will describe my understanding of the text and of the lectures provided in the class. Unlike most classes, where I understood only my view of the text, this class was geared so each student would understand each other’s view. 3 An organization is a collective that has some boundary and internal structure that engages in activities related to some complex set of goals. Members of organizations attempt to meet their psychological, ego and emotional needs within the organization. Criminal justice organizations are particularly unique compared to other public or private sector organizations because of the governmental granted authority. Management within these organizations can be defined as the process by
Dobbs, C., & Field, M. (1993). Leaders vs. managers: The law enforcement formula. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 62(8), 22-25.
The movement from the former systems of policing to community policing system calls for major changes. These changes may be in terms of goals, aims, policies and activities of police units, as well as the general image portrayed by police force. Consequently, this movement bears an eminent amount of disagreements as well as resistance within the police force. The police officers and their managers are the major parties involved in the matter of resistance. The managers fear loss of power and authority to control their officers when they become community police, on the other hand the police officer do not welcome the new role of solving community problems (Rohe, Adams and Arcury, 2001). This is because they are used to the normal role of enforcing laws. The implementation process therefore demands training of police officers on their new roles.
Police leadership uses standardization and procedure as a way to create consistency and predict¬ability in law enforcement operations (Batts, Smoot, & Scrivner, 2012). The San Diego Police Department, like nearly all law enforcement agencies uses leadership models mimicking the United States military. Paramilitary organizations use highly structured framing to conduct business operations. The structural frame creates compartmentalized specialization, and predictable, uniform task performance desired by police executives. The tightly designed rank-and-file structure delineates locus power and control based on position (Bolman & Deal, 1991). Power rests at the top. Contained with this structure is top-down control of personnel,
The city of Harburg has the total population of 160,000 with thriving agriculture service sector. Analysis of the police management system in the city reveals that the law enforcement agents in the city do not possess modern management skills which could assist them to manage the crimes rates and the issue is making them to face series of operational and organizational challenges.
Police is one of the important law enforcing agencies to control the pace of crime and law and order situation. Subordinate Police Officers are the key role players in this context. At present, crime is increasing; the criminal justice system is cracking under heavy workload; society’s expectations from the police are high but the police’s status and resources, working and living conditions leave a lot to be desired. Moreover, the law enforcers are encountering some humanitarian issues and limited facilities.