In the case of Howell v. Enterprise Publishing Co. there are similar defamation claims the the case of Kaelin v. Globe Communications Corporation. On May 9, 2005 James Howell who served as the superintendent of the sewer department for the town of Abington was place on administrative leave. Howell was later eventually fired from the position due to the discovery of inappropriate and unauthorized images owned by the sewer company. After his termination, reporters at The Enterprise Company began covering Howells case for months. Howell later filled suit against the publishing company claiming they defamed him by reporting he was being charged with charges of conflict of interest and fraudulent collection of unemployment benefits and pornography
Jan Hughes, Plaintiff-Appellant v, Boston Scientific corporation, Defendant-Apellee., 631F .3d 762 (2011), United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit (January 21, 2011)
The case involving Birch & Davis International, Inc., and Warren M. Christopher, the United States Secretary of State was decided on September 13th, 1993. The case involved procurement procedures conducted by the Agency of International Development (Open Jurist). The issue centered on exclusion of bids made by Birch & Davis International, Inc. Birch challenged the exclusion to the General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals and they decided that the actions taken by the agency were fair. The case got to the Federal level when Birch appealed the decision by the board.
A California worker is suing Crossmark, accusing them of failing to abide by California state law in connection to the payment of overtime wages as well as violations of workers compensation laws. The plaintiff in the case, Irvin Howard, is a retail executive from California. He filed the lawsuit in April 2016 against Crossmark, Inc. He alleged that Crossmark, Inc. failed to provide fair compensation to their employees through overtime payments at rates established by the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Burwell vs. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. is a court case that held a 5-4 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court on June 30th, 2014.. The Affordable Care Act also known as Obamacare, permitted for profit companies are held close by a family or a family trust to refuse only on certain religious grounds to help pay for mandated coverage of certain contraceptive drugs and devices for their employees’ health insurance plan. There are some exemptions available only for religious non-profit institutions. This exemption does not apply to Hobby Lobby for being a for-profit company. When the Green Family as representatives of Hobby Lobby Stores sued Kathryn Sebelius, This court case was originally called Sebelius vs. Hobby Lobby Stores Inc. , then had to be changed
Crown Awards is a retailer of awards and trophies sold through mail order catalogs and via the Internet. Crown designed and sold a diamond-shaped spinning trophy for which it owned two copyright registrations. Discount Trophy is one of Crown’s competitors, and it sold a trophy that was substantially similar to Crown’s Spin Trophy. Crown requested that Discount discontinue the sale of the alleged copy, and when Discount refused, Crown filed suit in the Southern District of New York.
Scrava school of health,sciences and engineering is a public school who has been dealing with the problem of an increasing amount marijuana use. Principal lyons in order to less this problem, enforced a number of new preventive solutions such as regular usage of drug dogs. Although these methods worked, it also made students more sneaky about the usage and distribution of marijuana on school property. For example a group of kids made an exclusive facebook account where they could discuss drug deals. After awhile the school received a tip from an anonymous person about the facebook account and Cruman a junior who attended Scrava. The school was informed Cruman was planning a drug deal later that day. Cruman was brought into the principal office
The court case of New York Times vs Sullivan was a case that involved public officials and how they were libeled in the press in the year of nineteen sixty four. L.B. Sullivan was one of three elected commissioners of Alabama. The respondent was L. B. Sullivan was a public official from Alabama and brought a lawsuit against an clergymen, a negro and against a petitioner of the New York Times Company. L.B. Sullivan sued all of these people because he felt that he was libeled in a advertisement of the New York Times. The case had to deal with if the constitutional protections of speech and press limit the states power to award damages for the libel action brought by a public official against the critics of his official conduct.
Second, Pfizer may be able to argue that it has better records than Rector. Courts have not consistently dealt with records as evidence of product identification. Courts are currently divided about whether plaintiffs must provide records to satisfy their product identification burden. Many courts have implied that a plaintiff must provide more than just their testimony to establish product identification. Mississippi Valley Silica Co. v. Reeves, 141 So. 3d 377, 383 (Miss. 2014); Osorio v. Baxter Int'l, Inc., 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 48820, *2 (N.D. Ohio May 6, 2011). For example, in Reeves, the Court found that the plaintiff did not meet his burden on product identification because there were no records that the plaintiff ever interacted
Search the Internet to find at least one news item about this lawsuit, preferably from a news source in the state in which the incident occurred.
To what extent do you think the U.S.-Canadian magazine dispute was motivated by genuine desires to protect Canadian culture?
1 It is highly probable that the desire to protect the culture of Canada by the Canadian Government was not genuine. This is because the magazine industry is only a small portion of the entire Canadian mass media. Hence, the situation leads us to question, what is the hidden intention and the actual motive behind Canadian Government backing its magazine industry? If the Canadian Government was genuine about protecting its culture from US, I believe that there are more effective and logical ways to protect the culture, instead of focusing to protect only the magazine industry.
The above formula isolates free cash flows to the firm from earnings before interest and tax (EBIT). It can be noted that FCFF are after tax (1-T) but prior to interest expense. This initial overstatement of due tax is by design; the tax deductibility of interest payments will be accounted for when incorporating the after-tax cost of debt in the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) to determine the present value of free cash flows.
This case clarifies who is defined as a supervisor in harassment lawsuits. The opinion of the case states that “an employee is a supervisor for purposes of … liability under Title VII if he or she is empowered by the employer to take tangible employment actions against the victim.” This means that if the employee fired, demoted, disciplined, changed the work schedule of, or transferred the victim, etc. then the employer is liable for harassment. But, if the person is a manager without the power to change the victim’s employment status, then the employer is not liable for harassment so long as the employer established a system that allowed the victim to notify senior management of the harassment so that senior management could deal with the harassing
The case of CompuServe Inc. v. Patterson, the court held that uploading shareware onto a computer subjects the developer to the jurisdiction where the computer is located. CompuServe, headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, is a proprietary service company providing complete and comprehensive interactive products and access for online users. CompuServe reached milestones by making the gathering of information and exploring the Internet faster, easier and more convenient. Founded in 1969 as a computer time-sharing company, CompuServe led the initial emergence of the online service industry. It was not until 1979, CompuServe first delivered electronic mail capabilities and technical support to personal computer users, and in 1980, they became the first online service to offer real-time chat online. By 1982, the company had formed its Network Services Division providing wide-area networking capabilities to corporate clients.
The case of CompuServe Inc. v. Patterson, the court held that uploading shareware onto a computer subjects the developer to jurisdiction where the computer is located. CompuServe, headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, is a proprietary service company providing complete and comprehensive interactive products and access for online users. CompuServe reached milestones by making the gathering of information and exploring the Internet faster, easier and more convenient. Founded in 1969 as a computer time-sharing company, CompuServe led the initial emergence of the online service industry. It was not until 1979, CompuServe first delivered electronic mail capabilities and technical support to personal computer users, and in 1980, they became the first online service to offer real-time chat online. By 1982, the company had formed its Network Services Division providing wide-area networking capabilities to corporate clients.