
Hubris In Oedipus The King

Decent Essays

In life one is always presented with a choice no matter how grievous the situation is, there is always a way to overcome it. Oedipus is no exception of this. In Oedipus the King, by Sophocles, Oedipus is responsible for his downfall because of his hubris. When Oedipus hears about his fate he is determine to escape it, but by attempting to do so he ends up following his steps to fulfill his destiny, something that he tried to avoid in the first place and feared the most. Throughout the story, Oedipus is presented with similar situations and the choices that he decided to make would ultimately lead to his downfall. Oedipus is in control of how he decides to handle his fate, but his hubris is going to take control of his decision making. When Oedipus decides to go to the Oracle to find out who his parents are, the oracle instead says that Oedipus will kill his father and marry his mother. In response to this, Oedipus attempts to run from his destiny. He believes that with his devious plan and his intelligence he will be able to avoid his …show more content…

The irony of Oedipus’s hubris is that he unwillingly determines what his downfall will look like. When he arrogantly proclaims that he will curse the man who brought all this trouble on Thebes by killing Laius, he is cursing himself:
As for the murderer himself, I call down a curse on him, whether that unknown figure be one man or one among many. May he drag out an evil death-in-life in misery. And further, I pronounce a curse on myself if the murderer should, with my knowledge, share my house; in that case may I be subject to all curses I have just called down on these people here (P.15).
Oedipus in this quote puts himself in an equal position as the gods and tries to matter into his own hands. This shows how Oedipus once again thought he could outrun his fate, but of course his hubris put him in the position of completing his destiny and then being punished for doing

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