
Huck Finn Character Analysis

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Wicked Traits Lead to Wicked Actions One kidnapping, many beatings, a deadly war, robbery encounters, several deaths, and dozens of heavy lies all take place in one single novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain. With the profound amount of wickedness, it’s easy to wonder where all of it came from. Although, throughout these events, the reader can come to a conclusion on exactly how and why they are full of so much darkness. The characters’ selfishness and anger are what induce most of the action to revolve around such violence and greed. Three of the greatest examples in the novel that can further illuminate this idea is Pap’s encounters with Huck, the war between the Shepherdson and Grangerford families, and the King and Duke manipulating for money. Already by chapter five, Pap and his cupidity have shown up bringing along his brutal behaviors. He is never around to care for Huck, and when he finally does appear, it’s only to unrightfully claim his son’s six-thousand dollars. The want for money and alcohol has consumed his mind. When he doesn’t get what he wants, he proceeds to kidnap and “...cowhide me till I was black and blue if I didn't raise some money for him,”(37-38) according to Huck. The living conditions are poor, but what becomes the worst is after Pap has been drinking. Sometimes he acts like a maniac because he has completely forgotten who he is. Huck recalls, “He chased me round and round the place with a clasp-knife, calling me

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