
Huckleberry Finn Hero's Journey Analysis

Decent Essays

A hero’s journey is described as a person who goes through a spiritual or physical change which allows him to become a better self. Throughout this journey there are many steps which include the call to adventure, a supernatural aide or mentor, initiation by trials and adventures, victory, and return. In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck goes through his journey and understands the need for a change, so he can become a better person for the rest of his life. In Huck’s journey he hits certain points such as the call to adventure, his transformation, and his return. Huck finds his call to adventure when Pap comes home from being gone for so long. Huck finds out Pap returns when he sees boot prints with a cross in the left heel made by big nails. His pap takes him to their cabin hidden away from society in the woods where Pap continues to drink and beat Huck. This causes Huck to find a way out of the cabin and escape from his life. “I can fix it now so nobody won’t think of following me”(33), Huck says this to himself. He says this because he is sick of society keeping him down and being beaten by his …show more content…

Huck, throughout his life, has been taught that white supremacy is a real thing. Since Huck grew up with Pap in his life, subtly, he picks up that white supremacy is how it should be. As Huck travels with Jim he finds out that white supremacy should not be around and that african americans are just as much human as whites are. This is shown when Huck states “All right, then, I’ll go to hell”(217), he says this when he is writing a note to Miss Watson about to tell her where Jim is. He tears the note up because he realizes all the fun him and Jim had together. He knows what the right thing to do is because of the transformation from white supremacy to equality that african americans do not need to be

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