
Hugo Chavez De Chacao Research Paper

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Some people decided to go to the area of Chacao, a place where a lot of people were protesting. The idea was to reinforce the protest and to express the frustration felt hours before going.Fall afternoon, the Chacao area was turned into a field of battle. National Guard and National Police force against citizens, many people were arrested,about 20 detainees. I remember a group of women were protesting on the Francisco de Miranda Avenue because the arrests of other people; the PNB also attacked the group of women hitting them. Some of them were arrested too, one of these women arrested was a woman who had been early in the mass in honor of the fallen in February 2014, she was almost smothered by the tear gas and the smoke, while it was still …show more content…

Hernán Grüber is a military person who participated in a coup supporting Hugo Chávez on November 27, 1992.To those arguments, the police agreed to release the woman. Minutes later a group of people in the group became urban guerrilla Tupamaros joining the conversation that I had with the police, one of the criminals in that group took my ID card and immediately put in doubt my story, saying that they had already seen me before protesting against the Government; I started to worry me, I thought they were saying that just to prove me , or simply because I really was identified. My best reaction at that time was running out of the place, I ran, I mix with people and then I hid me in a building where fortunately a lady allowed me to the entrance. I stayed there until dawn, then I left and went

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