
Huichol Tribe Religion

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In many cultures around the world, plants have a strong spiritual symbolism. The Huichol tribe of Mexico, for example, a plant called peyote has symbolic significance, as it produces spiritual experiences which allegedly allow its users to connect with their Gods and ancestors. Mescaline, the active ingredient in peyote, creates vivid dreamscapes and hallucinations. For the Huichol people, finding peyote is a laborious and sacred task so each year, they go on a pilgrimage to Wirikuta, also known as the “Path of Freedom.” During this pilgrimage, which occurs during the drought season after the maize harvest, the Huichol people undergo spiritual rituals and also stop at various religious sites along the way. Once they reach Wirikuta, the Huichol travelers gather peyote. Some are used immediately and the rest is brought back for the tribe. The Huichols believe they are always with Ancient ones and it is their responsibility to stay connected with them through this pilgrimage. …show more content…

They currently reside in the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountain Range of Central and Western Mexico, and generally, are disconnected from contemporary urban society. They primarily rely on farming tobacco to support their villages but also mine and sell traditional crafts to tourists help their economy. A core aspect of culture among the Huichols is family. Typically, Huichol families live together within each temple district. The Huichols also have their own government, making the laws that govern Huichol society, mediating tribal

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