Huis Gratis is my civilization that I have created for my project. Huis Gratis is part of a rain forest that gets about 200 inches of rainfall a year and is surrounded by many rivers. These natural boundaries all help in making Huis Gratis a great civilization for the West Africans to start their lives here. In addition, Huis Gratis is filled with dangerous animals, such as snakes, spiders, and howler monkeys. Even though these animals are aggressive and pose a threat to the settlers, they also have other animals that give them a stable food supply such as lizards and fish. Furthermore, my civilization is very big and suitable for people to settle in, and that is why people did settle there. Equally important, Huis Gratis if very easy to attack, …show more content…
Also, Attacking is easy because there innovated a contraption that when boats or other water crafts float on the rivers, the boats gets trapped in a lock. The natural resources in this defense mechanism are that they use water to rise the boat up and they use wood to create the lock that hold the boat. Huis Gratis also has many natural features in its boundaries. For instance, there are many places to excavate and mine for gold in the rain forest. This allows them to create tools and weapons from a multitude of minerals and metals. In addition, the rivers also act as trade routes for the civilization, Huis Gratis. Although many intruders miss use the rivers, they are a big part in trade because the rivers flow into other civilizations, making trade very …show more content…
It is the official language of Africa and is the only language that has no English words in it. Also, Huis Gratis has made many inventions that are still used today. They created the atlatl, the lock, the tarp, and they created the paddle. The most important invention was the lock because today, they are used for transferring a boat from one waterway to another, but back then, they used it to hold enemy boats from intruding them. The atlatl was also important because it made catching prey very easy because it would thrown the spear even faster than the human arm could throw a spear. Also, the the tarp was an invention, but also a discovery because it is waterproof and allowed the people to stay dry and keep foods from spoiling fast. This discovery was very helpful to Huis Gratis because others wanted to get the tarps made out out the leave fibers and traded more expensive items for
Did you know the word imperialism is derived from the Latin verb "imperare", which means 'to command' and from the Roman concept of "imperium" (expansion). Imperialism was introduced in 1870 for the purpose of arranging footholds and trading posts on the coasts of Africa and China, exploring the New World, and settling down colonies in North and South America, before ending in 1914. The few leading nations were: United States of America, Great Britain, Japan, and Germany; and the prime developing nations were: Africa and China. With the background of imperialism, we still have this burning question: Was imperialism beneficial to developing nations? The answer is no, because it is important to realize, developing nations were stripped of their
In the nineteenth century, the United States became involved in world problems for many reasons. The US gained control of countries and people who lived in the Pacific and Caribbean by using the imperialism policy. Some Americans were against imperialism while others supported them. However, the United States was not justified for overseas expansion in the late 19th and 20th century because of cultural and political rationales.
The United States did not want to be apart of any foreign affairs. The proclamation of Neutrality and the Monroe Doctrine was a way to make sure the United Stated did not intervene in foreign affairs. President Thomas Jefferson thought that the only way to increase land and resources was to expand westward. They thought westward expansion was like childbirth; the idea was exciting but when it come across to giving birth it messed everything up in the body. Imperialism is the policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, and/or military control over weaker territories. And it all started when Britain started expanding to other countries. When other countries like the US saw britain expanding to Africa, everyone wanted Africa
In an attempt to increase trade and prove itself as an economic and military superpower, the US began to expand overseas and increase its military size; the US believed in International Darwinism and saw these actions as an expansion of Manifest Destiny which led to imperialism. People like William H. Seward pushed to annex Midway Island and purchased Alaska to expand the size of the US. However, imperialism became a controversial debate among the American people throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Expansionists and Jingoists like Theodore Roosevelt wanted to protect and gain control of other nations including Puerto Rico, Philippines, and Guam, whereas anti-imperialists such as William Jennings Bryan, Mark Twain, and
What were some of the political, economic, social, intellectual, and military factors that explained the sudden increase in the pace and importance of European imperialism in the late 19c? The essential impetus was the Industrial Revolution which led to a search for (and control of) sources of raw materials and captive markets to sell manufactured goods, and become a world power with the most colonies and most money.
The second Industrial Revolution was a time of economic prosperity. This success made many think America should spread overseas. Foreign policy was a debated topic in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Many Americans, including William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, should spread its influence overseas to places like the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, but many others, including Mark Twain and William J. Bryan, felt that imperialism was not what the country needed and was against its values. Those in favor of overseas involvement thought America should civilize others, while those against thought America should spend its time and focus on domestic issues.
The Spanish war gave the United States an empire. At the end of the Spanish war the United States took Spanish colonies such as Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and many other islands. The creation of the American Empire leads to the end of the Spanish Empire. The United States wanted to build up the countries so that markets would open up and purchase American goods and to improve the American economy.
They were a very powerful tribe, dominating all the region’s trade alongside the Dutch. They had also tried to but other tribes under their control, and succeeded with doing so; in 1635 they had expanded their reach over many other tribes through intermarriage, warfare, and diplomacy. Of course, with power comes resentment from others and forms some enemies, making their time of stability rather short. However, the fact, and even the mere idea, that one group can manage to have that much power, without having as advanced technologies as others through the world, is really interesting and entertaining to me.
The age of imperialism was a time when various European countries and Japan sought to conquer the world with justification of civilizing the locals that were considered by them to be inferior. For the United States, it had been in a state of isolationism as Americans launched their own campaign of imperialism, also known as Manifest Destiny, against the Native Americans. However, by the turn of the 19th century, Americans became increasingly interested in world affairs and wanted some of the territories in the Pacific for resources. Thus, this sparked an intense argument among the Americans of whether a democratic republic should be able to acquire colonies like other superpowers. Josiah Strong once said, “The time is coming when the pressure of population on the means of subsistence will be felt here as it is now felt in Europe and Asia.
The economy, social/cultural standings, and politics were three major factors that affect imperialism in the 19th century. Imperialism is a government system where rulers attempt to conquer other countries for an increase of power.
Professor Walter Nugent, of “California and New Mexico, 1846-1848: Southward Aggression II,” argues that the Mexican War was indeed an exercise of American imperialism. Throughout his presidency, James K. Polk made a promise to the American people to honor Manifest Destiny, expanding the territory of the United States to the Pacific Ocean. Polk was blinded by his tunnel vision, and was more than willing to pay the cost of thousands of Mexican lives (over twice as many as Americans) in pursuit of his goal. The Mexican government was weak, so, Polk took advantage by sending representatives to monitor, what he considered, the borders between their nations. Polk was aware that this would manipulate the Mexican government to strike, spilling ‘American blood on American soil’. This action resulted in support from Congress to declare war; although, many voted in favor out of fear of being considered unpatriotic. Alternatively, many voted in favor of war in order to expand the amount of representatives opposed to slavery. Polk was not considered a strong nor wise ruler, Isaiah Berlin contends that Polk was “a hedgehog, not a fox,” he explains, “Jefferson, FDR, and Bill Clinton were foxes. Jackson, Polk, and George W. Bush were hedgehogs. Whereas a fox has many ideas… hedgehogs, like Polk, have one.” For those reasons, the Mexican war was an unjust war, and a result of American imperialism.
Imperialism is described in The American history as a “The quest for colonial empires”. This was something new for the newly developed country, The request for more natural resources was at its peak, with countries like Britain, Germany who have practised imperialism and has succeeded in expanding its power and influence the United State was more than eager to get into this river that seems to cough out silver and gold. At first, most Americans viewed this as a positive Expansion because it will help spread the American way of life such as democracy. However, this idea was not fully explored by the Americans, they headed into a battlefield with weapons and crafty strategy, but without knowledge of what the war is about and a possible side effect on not just the U.S. Do Americans in today's worldwide imperialism as a positive idea or negative?. Imperialism is viewed by many an immoral act even if its initial reason was thoughtful, suppression of the American way of life and the after effect is a stain on the nation that way never be wiped out.
First off the Mappa Mundi is a world map that comes from the medieval period. As one would think the Mappa Mundi is a map that contained European countries, towns, and cities. However, the map also had many myths and bestiary drawings that represented the more unknown areas such as the East. An example of such a beast that supposedly was found to the East of Europe was the “mantichora” which was a beast who had the body of a lion and the head of human. Therefore, the Europeans at the time saw people from the East as different. They saw themselves being superior to the east. They felt as if the east was uncivilized and savage. The Mappa Mundi represented a very Eurocentric view of the world. As mentioned in the PowerPoint these maps were influenced
Imperialism and then colonialism opened the floodgates that are troubled race relations, racism, and misguided societal values. Race has played a vital role in how Americans view each other, and themselves, and the experiences that they have. We constantly hear about institutionalized racism, the school-to-prison pipeline and police brutality on the news. The topic of race has such an enormous presence in our society that it simply cannot be ignored. But what is rarely talked about is how these conditions are incredibly similar to those that people in Latin America have to endure as well. Racism does not end at the borders of the United States, and in fact, they only seem to get worse in countries that are less developed.
Throughout American History the U.S. has sought to expand its boundaries. This need increased greatly during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century with the start of the industrial revolution. This Expansion was a big departure from earlier attempts to expand the boundaries of the U.S. The needed for Natural resources forced the U.S to look for places that could supply them with the natural resources they needed and markets where they could sell their goods in. The need to imperialize caused the U.S. to look to foreign places to gain resources to better the nations industries.