
Hulb Physics Lab

Satisfactory Essays

N5 Physics Assignment Aim: To investigate whether it would be more efficient to use LED’s in our homes rather than halogen and CFL bulbs. Application: A Light Emitting Diode is a two lead is a two lead semi conductor light source. LEDs are more efficient than that of Halogens and CFLs due to the fact they give off almost next to no heat, which then leads to a higher electicity percentage going to the making of light instead. The other bulbs take up the electricity by heating the bulb up which the LED does not do. LEDs also require less watts to power on. The Effect on Enviroment: LEDs effect on the environment compared to the other bulbs used is massive. LEDs don’t contain any elements harmful to the environment that halogens and the CFL light bulbs produce. LEDs also have a much …show more content…

My results were as follows: Processed Data 1 I created a bar chart from the experiment using the data I collected from the experiment. Raw Data 2 1. Traditional bulb Brightness (lumens) 'Low energy' halogen bulb Low-energy CFL bulb LED equivalent* 100 W 1200–1300 80 W 20–25 W 18 W 60 W 650–800+ 45 W 13–18 W 9–11 W 40 W 350–400+ 28 W 8–11 W 5–7 W 25 W 200–225 18 W 6 W 4 W This shows that the data recorded here is the same as the data I found. Processed Data 2 From the data I found, I used it to make a line graph. Comparison of Sources Raw data 1 and raw data 2 both show LEDs are more efficient. Raw data 1 shows the brightness and power used in these light bulbs Relevance and Reliability of Sources Raw Data 1 on the effiency of LEDs compared to other bulbs was relevant as it required an experiment in school to be done to gather the data used. Raw Data 2 on the …

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