
Human Anatomy And The Physiology Of The Body At The Molecular Scale

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Born into a family of engineers and accountants, a career in medicine did not immediately strike me as the obvious choice until high school. Being a recreational gymnast for most of my life, I have always been fascinated with human anatomy. However, I discovered my interest in science after taking an advanced biology class with a dissection component which made me awestruck, appreciate the anatomy and made me want to study the physiology of the body at the molecular scale. Dissections demanded a precision which enticed the artist in me. While still in high school in India, I discovered that I exceptionally enjoyed being with people and making them feel better in any capacity whether it was volunteering with blood drives or a school for deaf and speech impaired children. It struck me that there was a vast need for people to be in every corner of the earth helped whether they were ill, homeless, or depressed and lonely.

I was intrigued by medicine towards the end of high school and the desire to become a physician was confirmed in freshman year of college. When I moved to Canada for undergraduate school, I furthered my interest in science by tutoring, as I enjoyed educating people and going on research laboratory rotations for a couple of weeks. A supervisor at one of the labs mentioned that my skill set would be much better suited for medicine than for bench science because she felt I was not able to fully emerge on account of me being unable to use some of the skills I

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