
Human Bias Essay

Decent Essays

To that end, humans must consider the amount of bias which is permissible, and if the advantages outweigh the unknown biases that may exist in hiring decisions made by humans. Conscious or subconscious bias is prevalent in all facets of society, and may not even be noticed by the perpetrators themselves as they may be unaware of their own biases. As people struggle to find employment, being automatically denied without ever feeling as though they had a chance to make their case and to make an appeal to human empathy is understandably cause for concern regarding the usage of machine usage in company recruitment. Similarly, if artificial intelligence were to be implemented in a judicial setting to remove human bias, would we be able to trust …show more content…

Recently a pedestrian was hit and killed in Tempe, AZ after being stuck by an autonomous vehicle while crossing the road. This incident further highlights the difficulties engineers face when trying to implement concrete standards to which artificial intelligent machines must adhere. “It’s one thing to automate driving on a well-striped, high-quality, cars-only road. But machine learning is harder when you add ‘unpredictable’ people, poorly striped lanes, low quality pavement, inclement weather, and other inconsistencies. Algorithms thrive on order—and city streets have less of it” (Tomer). In this unfortunate scenario, the technology involved failed to respond to an unexpected situation when the victim stepped from the curb onto the road in an area which was not designated as a crosswalk zone. In alternate scenarios the vehicle in question may even be required to make a decision in which there is no favorable outcome, similar to the aforementioned trolley problem, that would satisfy all parties involved. Engineers must decide what actions would be taken in the event that saving one person would almost certainly guarantee the death of another, and which life should be prioritized, if

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