
Human Cloning Essay

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Imagine a future where humans are manufactured, a future where humans are created by science, a future where humans are the new lab specimen. Human cloning is like opening Pandora's Box, unleashing a torrent of potential evils but at the same time bringing a small seed of hope. No matter how many potential medical and scientific benefits could be made possible by human cloning, it is unethical to clone humans. Before the ethics of human cloning can be discussed, the mechanics of cloning must be understood first. Cloning is the process of making an exact genetic copy of an organism by a method called nuclear transplantation which is a process of removing a nucleus (the center of a cell which contains all of the biological information) …show more content…

Human cloning is not always copying and creating a full organism; that is reproductive cloning. Cloning just an organ or tissue is called therapeutic cloning, and is a technology that is not possible yet but scientists feel that it is only a matter of time (Tierney). With that technology, many patients could be cured of previously life-long conditions such as paralysis, chronic heart attacks, and leukemia. A long-term “disease” such as infertility could be cured as well by creating a clone of the female and then transplanting that clone’s eggs into the female and then the children the couple has will be their biological children! Even amputees could have limbs regenerated in a lab and reattached (Smith). These medical advances seem like a cure-all, but they are not possible at the moment because we do not know enough about the human genome to see which genes code for certain proteins which shape the function of the cell. With our current technology, we cannot direct a cell to specialize into a kidney cell to transplant into a patient needing a new kidney. Current technology doesn’t allow for the creation of “spare parts” but it is possible to create fully functional humans (after many attempts), and then the human that was “created” could then be grown and disemboweled for “spare parts” (Dudley 30). The idea of creating a “Caliban” or a human specifically to act

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