Tony Au
Section: AK
Research Paper
In 2050, after over 50,000 people colonize Mars, Do Not Go Gentle, a private space company on Earth is planning to have its first human exploration of Saturn’s satellite, Titan. However, the dangers of radiation and the length of the trip from Earth jeopardize the mission for the humans on this mission to explore Titan. The mission will be using robotic AI’s and space ship that uses ion thrusters for propulsion. One of the topics that will be talked about in the sci-fi story of the mission to Titan is radiation. In space, radiation is one of many problems humans face when they travel beyond Earth’s atmosphere. There are two types of radiation, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing
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[1] [2] There are two ways to measure radiation, an US unit and a SI unit. The first unit used to measure radiation is radiation-absorbed dose (rad) and it is use mostly in United States. The more commonly used measuring unit in the International Systems of Unit or SI is gray (Gy); 1 rad is equivalent to 0.01 Gy. Gray is also equivalent to one Joules per kilogram; however, radiation is measured in mGy or 1/1000 of a Gy when measuring absorption of a biological entity. [2] On Earth, the layers of atmosphere shield us from most of the radiation that could ever reach us but not all radiation is filtered like UV radiation. If there was no atmosphere, the high-energy particles can rip through the DNA’s links and cause mutations (usually in the form of cancer). When a high-energy particle affects the DNA/RNA or molecules, it can rip apart links or chains in the DNA/molecules. [3] The links that ripped apart a DNA can cause cancer and can affect chromosomes in the process. This process eventually leads to death if the DNA/RNA or cell is unable to repair the damage bonds. Exposure radiation can cause either an acute or chronic radiation poisoning. [3] Acute radiation is simply one large exposure to radiation either from high-energy/ionized or cosmic rays. Instead of having one large exposure of radiation, chronic radiation is having small doses over time, hence the
Underneath the largest rocket in the world, on May 8, starting at 11:00, were sixth graders. The entire sixth grade of South Mckeel Academy slept underneath the Saturn V rocket. Not an experience to forget. Previously, the middle schoolers had taken a brief tour of the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, which houses the space shuttle Atlantis. They would actually get to visit the shops and kiosks on Friday, the day after. Onto the subject of the rocket itself.
They are similarities. All have dates and facts. For example in “The Mysteries of Saturn” it states, “in July 2004 the Cassini spacecraft entered Saturn’s orbit and began to collect valuable information” In “Cassini Mission” it states, “in December 2004 a probe was dropped into Titan’s atmosphere. Then the leader began gathering data.” According to the illustration the first picture of Earth, Mars, Venus, and Saturn together was taken by the Cassini in 2013. All of this information was gathered using improved technology.
This note is very important, because radiation is a very dangerous thing and you have to make sure you know the steps and for what you’re doing. Never take a risk.
This is a unit of measure of ionization in air, the quantity of radiation that produces one electrostatic charge in 1 cm3 of air. Radiation dose is the amount of energy absorbed by a tissue at a specific point. The rad is a unit of absorbed dose (the amount of energy absorbed by tissue) and is defined as 100 ergs of energy per gram of tissue (or rem). A localized dose of radiation is a rad of radiation to the localized area. Every gram of body tissue in that area absorbs one rad. When concerning total body dose in dentistry, the x-ray machine delivers a localized exposure with a single radiograph that results in a total body exposure approximately 1/10,000 of the facial exposure. X-rays have no effect on the nucleus of the absorbing atom, affecting only the atom’s orbiting electrons. Although the equipment and walls are receiving radiation in a dental operatory, they do not become
Radiation is part of the aftermath of war. In “Thunder in Roses” people everywhere are affected. The author stated “The air is becoming radioactive.” (Sturgeon 191). Only a few million people were left after the war hit them. Most of the bombs that hit the states were nuclear. “So saturated is the atmosphere with Carbon Fourteen
should still be responsible for the people that were exposed to the radiation is because it could spread and accidently cause other to suffer and could help support the people suffering from the radiation. Radiation is energy and it can come from unstable atoms or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are actually two kinds of radiation, and one is more energetic than the other. It has so much energy it can knock electrons out of atoms, a process known as ionization. This ionizing radiation can affect the atoms in living things, so it poses a health risk by damaging tissue and DNA in genes. While there are other, less energetic, types of nonionizing radiation (including radio waves, microwaves—and visible light), this booklet is about ionizing radiation (Baes). According to illinoispoisoncenter, radiation comes from the sun and outer space, from man-made sources such as X-ray machines, and from some radioactive materials in soil. Even though radiation cannot technically spread from person to person, we encounter some radiation from foods, water, the air, our own bodies, and through medical procedures throughout our daily life and never usually receive too much that would cause
They usually cause something specific too. For example, ultraviolet radiation gives people sunburns (if exposed a sufficient amount). X-rays and gamma rays can make people sick or even die. If the dose is not sufficient, then there won’t be explicit effects (called non-ionizing radiation), however it is still dangerous.
Saturn has fascinated society for hundreds of years being the only planet whose rings are visible from Earth. Because of its distance from the Earth, exploration was not possible until the age of robotic spacecraft. Previous studies of Saturn and its surroundings were limited to data from flybys (Lebreton & Matson 2002). The Cassini Huygens mission consisted of a combination of an orbiter and a probe to fully explore the Saturnian system.
Ionizing radiationHelpIonizing radiationRadiation with so much energy it can knock electrons out of atoms. Ionizing radiation can affect the atoms in living things, so it poses a health risk by damaging tissue and DNA in genes. has sufficient energy to cause chemical changes in cells and damage them. Some cells may die or become abnormal, either temporarily or permanently. By damaging the genetic material
The main source of radiation exposure to human life is Radon( 222Rn ) and its progeny which represent nearly 50% of the total human exposure to radiation from natural sources.222Rn is a radioactive gas producing from decay of Radium( 226Ra ) which is found in a wide variety of rocks, soil, natural gas and ground water. Most water sources in the earth’s crust have different levels of Radon concentration depend on the local geological characteristic of the source. Radon gas enters into the human body by inhalation and ingestion of drinking water and eating food, subsequently cause damage to sensitive cells of organs in the body ,such as respiratory and digestion systems.
“When we speak of dangerous radiation exposure, are we speaking of alpha radiation, beta radiation, or gamma radiation?”
Radiation is one of the main forms of energy (Pettigrew 1). In today’s environment we are only familiar with the basic types of radiation. These types are in the form of
There are two types of radiation; particle and penetrating. Penetrating radiation or gamma radiation, can pass through human tissue and damages cell functions. After about 500 years, gamma radiation in nuclear fuel waste drops to low enough levels that it poses no real threat to humans (AECB, 1992). Particle radiation includes alphan and beta radiation. This type of radiation is given off by the longer lived radioactive substances. This means that the substances remain hazardous for many thousands of years. Neither these types can penetrate human tissue. However, they can affect cell function and therefore cause cancer if the radioactive substance has been ingested or inhaled
Once the mission leaves the Earth’s atmosphere and travels into space, the next challenge awaits. The Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field act as a shield and deter a large portion space radiation. Space radiation comes from our Sun in the form of solar radiation and also comes from outside our solar system in the form of cosmic rays (Gray, 2013). Radiation may be the most dangerous phenomenon a long duration spaceflight could face. Solar flares erupt from the Sun and send millions of tons of charged particles into space at speeds
Since the historic journey into outer space by Yuri Gagarin, manned spaceflight and space exploration have generated and motivated astounding inventions and innovations. These discoveries and developments affect every single person on Earth, and have improved a wide range of fields including health, food, technology, entertainment, automobile, dental, medical, safety, sports, and many more industries.