
Human Primates And Human Evolution

Good Essays

Non-human Primate Behaviors
Intissar Khalaf
Anthropology/Human Evolution
Question #3: Why are non-human primates studied for how their behaviors related to our own origins? What types of studies are conducted and have these studies changed in recent years? Why or why not?
We study nonhuman primate behavior to help us better understand us as humans and our behavior compared to nonhuman primates. Clearly there are differences in behavior among different species of primates - especially humans. Similar behaviors may also have different causes. Current ideas are that the first primates appeared more than 60 million years ago. Interestingly, the common ancestor of people and African apes lived just around 5-8 million years prior; along these lines, for more than 50 million years, people and the African chimps have shared primate heritage. Shared lineage is a noteworthy motivation behind why human and nonhuman primates have numerous qualities in like manner - the use of tools, relationships, and complex correspondence frameworks. By finding out about nonhuman primates we came in to take in more about ourselves. For instance, us humans walk upright, on two limbs we are bipedal. Human and nonhuman primates likewise share physiological qualities. For instance, the route in which the brains of rhesus monkeys and people are sorted out is comparative. One mind range that has been examined widely is the visual framework. Neuroanatomical investigations of the nonhuman primate mind

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