
Human Trafficking : A Source, Transit, And Destination Country For Sex Trafficking

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The US State Department classifies China as a source, transit, and destination country for sex trafficking . Human trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation is the second largest form of organized crime in Asia. China is a common thread in many of the complex trafficking networks working in Asia. The Human Trafficking Organization reports, China transits victims from all over the world to Thailand and Malaysia. In addition to transiting, China is a popular destination country, importing women throughout the region from Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Mongolia, Russia, and North Korea . Analyzing the attitude, culture, and opinion shifts through Chinese media will shed further light on the human trafficking phenomenon and look at the regional impact, due to China’s extensive involvement in sex trafficking. In 1997, the Chinese media reported on a woman named Tang Shengli, who threw herself out of a window yelling, “I would rather die than become a hostess” to avoid performing sexual services at the nightclub she worked in . The media quickly started calling this the “Tang Shengli Incident”, portraying her as a modern day heroine for risking death in order to preserve her chastity. Incidents of woman risking their lives to avoid performing sexual services, such as Tang Shengli, became a popular headline. During 1997 to 2003, the media reported over thirty cases of women who had risked their lives to avoid performing sexual services on men. The media

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