
Humans’ Contribution to Climate Change Essay

Decent Essays

Climate change is one of the biggest concerns of all nations across the globe. Climate shift refers to changes in patterns of weather which can be indicated through global warming, natural disasters and rises in sea level. There is a group of people, climate change skeptics, who argue that climate change is not the result of human activity, meaning that it is naturally occurring. According to World Meteorological Organization, natural factors refer to internal factors, which are the interactions between the atmosphere and ocean, and external factors, such as solar energy variations and volcanic eruption (United Nation Evironment Programme - World Meteorological Organization, 2006). However, most scientists claim that people also involve in …show more content…

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution in recent centuries, the Earth’s temperature increases steadily due to the high concentration of carbon dioxide. The use of energies for transportation, manufacturing, and electricity generation involve in the burning of fossil fuel. These activities produce carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and warm up the Earth. As stated by World Meteorological Organization, “The use of fossil fuel currently accounts for 80 to 85% of the carbon dioxide being added to the atmosphere” (United Nation Evironment Programme - World Meteorological Organization, 2006). In fact, the amount of man-made carbon emission to the atmosphere continues to grow everyday although people acknowledge the danger of the extreme carbon emission. World Meteorological Organization said that the carbon emission rose significantly from just less than 1 billion tons in 1860 to more than 20 billion tons in 1990 (United Nation Evironment Programme - World Meteorological Organization, 2006). As a result, the Earth’s temperature continues to increase over time. Steffen clearly stated “The global average air temperature has risen by about 0.85°C since the beginning of the 20th century, and continues to rise. The period 2001–2010 was the hottest decade on record” (Steffen, 2013).
Beside the high concentration of carbon

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