
Hunt For The Wilderpeople Builds On Waititi 's Drama Essay

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople builds on Waititi 's drama/comedy combination and further cements his auteur status. Wilderpeople is about an orphan boy who moves from one foster family to another, generally being a delinquent. This causes him to earn the title of "a real bad egg.” The majority of the film takes place as Ricky Baker is on the run through the vast forest. While structurally different from Boy, both films deal with coming-of-age, parents, and loneliness. Wilderpeople is explicitly divided up into ten chapters and an epilogue, while still being a somewhat causally driven film (Boy is more episodic). Since Wilderpeople relies more on a causal narrative, it seems more like a standard Hollywood film at first (especially with the action-packed finale). But Waititi finds a way to make it his own. The use of chapters allows him to jump ahead without losing the audience and so he 's able to tell a larger story with his signature zippy style. Adding onto that, he again relies on montages to quickly tell bits and pieces of narrative in humorous ways and uses those techniques to highlight character subjectivity. And again, he carefully exaggerates his characters to add comedy to otherwise a serious topic. Finally, nature is once more of paramount importance. It 's to Waititi 's credit that Wilderpeople feels like a very different beast to Boy but also is recognizably a film by him.
A film full of quirky, funny montages is a clear sign of a Waititi film. And unsurprisingly,

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