
Hunter-Gatherers In Ancient Civilization

Decent Essays

Approximately 2.5 million years ago humans lived as hunter-gatherers that would move in bands, later on, they would turn into the great civilization of the ancient world due to better technique and a more organized society. Starting from the neolithic age which consists of hunter-gatherers. There were basically early modern humans. Hunter-gatherers had populated a lot of the earth by 30,000 years ago, continued the hunter and gathering way of life. They would feed off of wild plants and animals and move from one location to another. They would also use the fur of their killings as clothes. In a hunting and gatherings economy, they would move from one location to another to secure their food supply. Hunter-gatherers were very self-sufficient.
The change comes from around 10,000 years ago when people first discover how to cultivate crops and domesticate animals. This meant they could stay in sedentary areas. This lead to a more efficient living. Hunter-gatherers were no longer nomads and soon would become pastoral nomads since they stayed in permanent areas. The areas they settled around was near rivers since they needed a water source. Also, this is the most significant individual …show more content…

People began using metals, such as copper and bronze, instead of stones to make tools. Later on, they created a system of letters and began to write. This new form of living was called civilization. To keep peace among people living closely together and the city-state, they need rules. The first set of laws was The Code of Hammurabi, as rules were called, they needed some sort of authority so the rules were enforced. Thus some societies developed governments. The rules were enforced no matter the person's hierarchy. Also wasn’t only one type of government. There are different types of governments that were used in great civilization due to beliefs of the leader and society, some of them were the absolute monarchy, empire, direct democracy, or

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