Hypersaline environments constitute typical examples of environments with extreme conditions due to their high salinity, exposure to high and low temperatures, low oxygen conditions and in some cases, high pH values. Bacteria and Archaea are the most widely distributed organisms in these
Abstract: Microorganism need to live in ideal conditions so they can grow. This experiment was performed to determine if there was a greater number of microorganisms in Winthrop lake than Winthrop wetlands. We determined this hypothesis because the lake was bigger. We also made the hypothesis that the pH level of the lake was going to be higher than the wetlands. We tested out the hypothesis by going out to Winthrop lake and wetlands and collecting samples of water. Back in the lab, we examined the samples under a microscope and recorded all the organisms we could find on Excel. Also, we tested the pH levels of the
The aim of this lab is to determine if the Seven River oyster is suitable for oyster restoration. During this lab we learned that Salinity affects the oysters if it is more than 10-13ppt. We also have knowledge that there is a parasite (the protozoan, Haplospordium nelson) that causes the disease MSX in oysters (Readel, 2000). Moreover, at the lab we knew that MSX bacteria will grow if salinity is above 15 ppt that will cause the oysters to die. The oysters can be affected by MSX if the salinity is above 15 ppt (Readel, 2000). Furthermore, Oysters are also used to filter the water of the river. Also, we learned that the range of tolerance of salinity for oysters is 10-27
“Anoxic” means that they have very low concentrations of dissolved oxygen. These dead zones are occurring in many areas along the coasts of major continents and spreading over larger and larger areas of the sea floor. Because only a few organisms can tolerate the lack of oxygen in these areas, they can destroy the habitat in which millions of organisms make their home. This satellite image of the Mississippi Delta shows muddy water flowing into the Gulf of Mexico and how the colors change from muddy brown to light and then dark blue as the water moves further into the gulf and
Just like eukaryote species, not all bacteria species are identical in the way they behave, grow or interact with their environment (Mujtaba & DeJarnette, 2012). Microbes can be unique in the way they grow on nutrient agar (NA) plates. How their colonies form on the agar plates can also be an exclusive property of specific bacteria species. Microbes can grow in the presence of different nutrients, environments and can also be inhibited by or thrive in the presence of specific agents in the medium. For example inoculating a blood agar plate with the organism, can indicate its hemolysis activity, which it will fall in one of the three groups alpha (α), beta (β), or gamma (γ).
Finally there is the Hyperthermophiles. Found in very hot temperatures such as hydrothermal vents in deep oceans. With this said, the two microorganisms that I worked with would be known as Mesophiles. Both of these microorganisms grow on or in the human body. They prefer moist heat that is body temperature. I made an incubation box to help mimic the temperatures needed. Typically trying to maintain the temperature of thirty seven degrees Celsius.
Salinity: Hypersaline Laguna Madre salinity levels are generally around 0-65 ppt, Drought and Evaporation and No tidal pass can increase salinity up to 150ppt. Whereas Typical estuary salinity levels are around 0-35 ppt. Port Aransas is the best example for a Typical Estuary.
Some species might thrive in conditions that other struggle to survive. For example some predators might need more oxygen then a smaller prey. With less predators being around, there is a huge burst in prey, which can eat up all of the bacteria. When the bacteria all die, the prey can’t find any food and all die out. This causes a very unreliable food chain and can be dangerous to live in. In hypoxic zones what tends to happen is that marine life such as fish or shrimp die out quickly while the smaller organisms live. This causes whole species to die out leaving a dominance of gelatinous creatures such as jellyfish to thrive in.
During the summers the oxygen content atop the water normally has a salinity level consistent with “more than 8 milligrams per liter”; but when oxygen content drops down to “less than 2 milligrams per liter” the water is then known to be in hypoxic state (CENR, 2000; USGS, 2006). Hypoxia is the result of oxygen levels decreasing to the point where aquatic organisms can no longer survive in the water column. Organisms such as fish, shrimps, and crabs are capable to evacuate the area but the fauna that cannot move either become stress and/or die. Due to this, many call the hypoxia zone the “dead zone” (Overview, 2008; USGS, 2006).
Halophiles are adaptive by two strategies that include strategies to survive with the osmotic pressure that made by the high NaCl concentration of the normal environments they inhabit (Madigan, M.T.1999, Oren, A, 2002). Other strategy is accumulating of inorganic ions in the cytoplasm (K+, Na+, Cl-) that is in some extremely halophilic bacteria and balance the osmotic pressure of the medium, they have specific proteins which are able to be stable and active in the salty condition. In contrast, moderate halophiles have other strategies to accumulate high amounts of specific organic osmolytes in the cytoplasm, that function as osmoprotectants, which provide osmotic balance and it has not any interfering with the normal metabolism of the cell
Biofilms are formed on almost any surface that is submerged in non sterile water. Even hot springs, and glaciers. Examples of common places where biofilms are found are pipes, hulls of ships, porcelain surface of toilet bowls, wood siding, shower tiles, plastics, wooden cutting boards,
All species were collected along with soil substrate from Jean Lafitte Historical National Park and Preserve, Barataria, New Orleans, USA (Denslow and Battaglia 2002). Swamp water was also collected and brought to the SIUC greenhouse. Each microcosm experiment comprised of forty eight aquaria (40×19×12cm in a completely randomized design (4 levels of salinity or desiccation × 3 levels of invasions × 4 replicates of each treatment combination =48)) that were assigned randomly to different treatment combinations. Before the treatment combinations were applied, we put an equal amount of soil substrate, which filled the bottom 1.5 cm of each aquarium. Treatment A was a degree of invasion and it had three levels: no invasion, partial invasion, and
In Sympathy, a poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the narrator speaks of his feelings that sympathize with how a caged bird feels and why he does what he does in his cage. The author uses style to convey the theme of oppression and imprisonment and the tone of pain and agony through the use of imagery, diction, and repetition.
Microorganisms senses and respond to changes in environment. Certain types of Gram-positive bacteria species such as certain Bacillus and Clostridium species forms endospores when encountering environmental stress such as nutrient starvation [34] as shown in Fig 27. The bacterial spores differ significantly from the corresponding vegetative cells. Spores are metabolically dormant and exhibit resistance properties making them highly resistant to many treatments including extremes of temperature, radiation and chemical biocides[34] . The extraordinary resistance properties of endospores make them of particular importance because they are not easily killed by common biocidal agents.
The effect of environmental factors such as temperature, osmotic pressure, oxygen concentration and pH on microbial growth and survival
Saline soils contain adequate amounts of salts to harm plants growth prominently. It may be identified by white or light brown crusts on the soil surface. Saline soils usually have an EC of more than 4 mmho cm-1. Salts that are usually created in saline soils include NaCl (table salt), CaCl2, gypsum (CaSO4), magnesium sul¬fate, potassium chloride and sodium sulfate.