
I Am A Huge Denver Broncos Fan

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I’ll start off by saying I am a huge Denver Broncos fan! I was born in Colorado and when I was little I always saw the Broncos logo everywhere. My mom worked at a bank and the bank would always have Bronco celebrations. Something that made me a very big Broncos fan was when one of my mom’s co-workers knew people who worked at the stadium and she got me an autographed photo of the mascot! I thought that was an awesome gift! Also while I was growing up I was part of a daycare in the summer that took all of us kids on field trips. I will never forget our leaders taking us to get a tour of everything in and out of the Broncos stadium. It was like a dream come true! When I was in the fourth grade my dad was selected to be a pastor in Beloit, …show more content…

The jerseys were mustard brown and they had brown and yellow striped socks. The public as well as the players hated the socks and once the organization had changed their logo and colors the team had a public bonfire and burned the striped socks (“History of NFL Uniforms”)! In 1960, Coach Frank Filchock was hired as head coach. The Broncos had their first game on September 9 in their first stadium, known as Bears Stadium (“Broncos Fan Forum”). The Broncos played the Boston Patriots and won. They would only win 3 more games until their season went to a downfall and had a 4-9-1 record; the worst record in the AFL (“1960-Present”). Coach Jack Faulkner was hired in 1962 and in 1963 they won only two games (“1960”). Then in 1964 they fired Jack because of a 0-4 start to the season. Mac Speedie was then hired and the Broncos still had no luck with their season ending terribly (“1960”). In 1965 Denver almost lost the franchise. A local ownership group took control and rebuilt the team (“Denver Broncos”). They began going door to door asking if people would like to donate and with Floyd Little’s efforts on and off the field it helped enough to secure the organization (“Denver Broncos”). In 1966 Ray Malavasi was hired but it led to a 4-10 ending. He was then replaced by Lou Saban the following season (“1960-Present”). The stadium was also named Mile High Stadium and would last until the year 2000 (“1960”). On August 5,

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