
I Am A Melting Pot Of Different Origins, Beliefs, Attitudes, And Culture Essay

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America is considered to be a melting pot of different origins, beliefs, attitudes, and cultures from family to family. My family is no exception to this; my ancestors have a diverse background of beliefs, attitudes, and origins, which in turn has continually morphed together and has been handed down from generation to generation. Due to this continues the process, I am who I am today.
Both sides of my family come from different backgrounds. On my mother’s side there is Native American, German. On my father’s side there is German, Italian, Irish/ English. My father tells stories of the reason our ancestors came to America was to avoid religious oppression and avoid oppression or simply for opportunities in America. On my mother’s side, there were oppressions from historic events of the trails of tears, where my Native American side of my family lost their land and lives. These oppressions and origins shaped what my families constructivist perspective. Constructivist perspectives is when the family tell stories about their family’s lives and develop beliefs about themselves, which in turn, will organize the family 's experiences and play a role in shaping their lives. ( cite BOOK) An oppression that has happened on my mother’s side is that they grew up in Indiana, where racism was high towards African Americans. My mother being a Caucasian person, grew up seeing riots and negative actions or comments towards African Americans. This oppression of seeing the other side of

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