
I Am A Philosophy Major

Decent Essays

I am a philosophy major. My interest in philosophy developed during my childhood. I began to question things about life and its surroundings. My thoughts and questions were always dismissed as silly, ignorant, and pointless. Nevertheless, I never let go of such questions, and as I grew older, I was able to further understand those questions.
My parents are currently both Christian Evangelical Ministers, who have devoted over 30 years to both God and their sons. I have seen their hard work ethic and altruism. I have seen them donating food to hundreds of poor people in Argentina during a Christian mission. I have seen the smiles of children who were so happy that they got a meal to eat for Christmas. The experiences my parents have showed me did not shape my interest in philosophy directly, but it did expand my views on people and on life.
I was raised in a Christian family and for much of my childhood I spent more time inside churches than inside my own home. As I grew, I distanced myself from religion and its religious practices and focused more on religions as a whole and their philosophical views within them. I am no longer a Christian today, but I believe I have more passion in religions now because I study and learn not just one, but all of them. Each religion has something of value, and I believe it is unfortunate for people not to see and learn a couple of things about each.
I gained interest in philosophy by taking an introductory course in the spring of 2010. Dr.

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