
Wha What Religion Is Too Much On The Negatives Of Religion?

Satisfactory Essays

I try not to think too much on the negatives of religions and find most of them very connecting, unique, and beautiful in their own light. I wasn't raised any particular religion. I did, however, go to Catholic services when I would visit my grandmother at a young age and that's probably around when I started looking at the different religions. I read every book in elementary the library had to offer on Egyptian beliefs, Christian beliefs, and whatever else I could get my hands on and the fascination never really stopped. I continually question people who have a religious belief about the "what's" and "why's" to why they believe. Which have ended in some pleasant conversations and some heated conversations. I guess for me it's the devotion of "one's" life that is given to something that is neither proven or unproven that I find the most fascinating to ask about. All the other aspects of religion aside from the history of how that religion came to be are the biggest questions I would love answered. Yes, religions have their ethics, symbols, rituals, doctrines, and other things that make up a religion that are equally as fascinating but the people and the history are the most intriguing. …show more content…

It has a never ending depth of all the different interpretations varying from person to person, as well as time period to time period. When and why did sacrifice become taboo? How did the different Jewish communities split as much as they did? How did time and relocation change religious beliefs? How did different cultures being the dominant power effect other religions? All of these questions are opened for many different theories but you just never know how much a little piece of information can change the opinion of society on the history of

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