
I Am An Integral Learning Experience

Decent Essays

When I initially began my work-study my goal was to just complete the requirement. However, as I started to do the work, I began seeing my field experience through a set of difference lens. My field experience was no longer just a requirement but an opportunity for professional growth. I began asking myself, what do I want out of this experience? I began setting goals that has motivated me throughout my field experience. These goals include reading the programs manual/guidelines, learning how to utilize feedback received from my field supervisor for improvement, learning how to identify and use social work communication skills and improving my self-confidence.
This work-study has serve as an integral learning experience. In the beginning of my initial internship I was mostly focus on learning by observing. I was able to observe everything that goes on from going through the client’s chart; to attending staff meetings and other service delivery. I was given very limited responsibility at first and most tasks were coordinated with my supervisor. In the following weeks I was exposed to the elements of my placement and was able to take on new challenges. I express to my supervisor the need to extend my activities. Throughout the weeks by supervision has improved. My supervisor and I collaboratively discussed areas of knowledge that needs to be develop, though this critique was quite discomforting it allowed me to push myself more in order to advance. I began to realize that

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