
Is Feminism Better Than Men?

Decent Essays

We encounter problems everyday, such as, waking up late or loosing the car keys. These problems often have easy fixes, but other times we are faced with big problems. Such as: getting in to a wreck or having to find a new job. As I am becoming a young adult and learning more about our society I have encountered a problem that requires a major amount of time and effort to be fixed. Misunderstanding the word and concept feminism is a problem that I have experienced myself, and I have found many others do as well. I was able to find a solution to my problem, but others have not which is why I would like to take the time to educate as many as I can.

Feminism is often associated with negative and selfish actions. When people hear the word feminism many think it is about women being better than men because it has the root of female, but that is not the case at all. The word feminism originated in 1837 when French philosopher, Charles Fouriere first coined the term feminisme. He advocated the freedom of women because he believed we were not treated equally. At the time women were not able to vote, own a job, and education was limited. Women were ruled by male figures, and if they did not belong to a male household they were shunned by society and had little means of getting money. The feminist movement was never about women being superior to men. It is about women being equal to men, but it is not called equalism since women have always been given a lesser value or place

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