
I Am From New Jersey

Decent Essays

Everyone has a different story that they tell which helps defines who they are. These stories are created from experiences, people in our lives, events that took place, important dates, places we have been, interests, and so much more. There are no two people who have the same exact story, which makes us all unique and should drive us to want to have our own individual stories. To start from the beginning and to give a quick summary, I am from New Jersey. A small town in Northern Jersey called New Providence. I grew up with a younger sister, and four cousins that I basically count as my siblings. Because my town is very small, my friends are a diverse group of people ranging from underclassmen, to freshmen in college, and ranging from sports to the arts. People have been very influential in my life and all the choices I have made, even my decision to attend Loyola. Music and travel are two out of dozens of interests I have, but they’re the ones that have had prominence in my life, and mean a lot to me. Sharing this story in class was interesting for me for sure. I am not the type of person to tell just anyone about my life, I am more of a listener. Only a select few of people know everything about me, and I hold them close to my heart, but speaking in front of the class lead me to tell my story differently than I would tell my best friend. I have to admit, the story I told was just the surface of who I am, and I purposely left out huge parts of my story because I am

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