
I Support Progress Essay

Decent Essays

There is a particularly attractive philosophy that many people choose to live by. It requires little thought, even less work, is not controversial, rarely gets you into trouble and is popular amongst all levels of society. It is characterized by the phrase, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

There is a certain appeal to this idea. It is based on the assumption that meddling in a system that works has as much chance of causing problems as of causing improvements. So, those who are happy to see nothing move forward in the world should eagerly embrace this notion. Unfortunately if everyone felt that way we would still be living in the dark ages, blaming the black plague on sin and witchcraft.

In the face of our environmental traumas …show more content…

Taken at a more common level it is often implied that businesses that take unnecessary risks to develop new products or markets must be raping our natural resources. So individuals can be forgiven for thinking it makes no sense to strive to improve anything in their life or work. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Let us for the moment leave this depressing and stagnant world and visit a different universe. One that is peopled by those who are happy to examine every aspect of their life and see improvements as something to be sought out actively. These people are not immoral; they share the same positive values which are esteemed in our universe. Be kind to others, be the best you can be, make a world fit for your grandchildren etc. And yet they feel free to seek progress.

Whenever they do something, even if it's for the hundredth time, they think, "How can I do this better?" They strive to understand the world around them because they know that understanding something opens the door to improving it. They are not doing this because they are dissatisfied with everything around them. Rather, they have discovered that this way of life is very fulfilling, positive, active and rewarding.

Yes, they have failures. But they know that most problems are also opportunities. If you run into a wall it is a clear sign that there is something you didn't understand which means you now have a chance to learn something. To quote Thomas Edison; "I

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