
I Want To Be Remembered For Research Paper

Decent Essays

Every day, different people start their path of being remembered for something special and important. I want to be part of taking that path for my school life and my future after that. People can be remembered for the simplest things in life, and the list of roles you can play is continuous. Everyone has their only history of life, filled with accomplishments, personality, and performances. Our American History, to me, isn’t about the dead people, it’s about several of those who lost their lives to make a difference, and those who performed heroic actions.

One thing I want to be remembered for is following the footsteps of any human being who has made a difference in the lives of others, whether I know them personally or not. I am always up for helping people, regardless of how long it takes, the outcome is what is most important to me. In school, offering to hold the door for someone, or guiding someone with homework can not only change that student’s life that day, but also it’s one of the best feelings I can have myself knowing I did that. Even when I do small things such as smile to someone or give a compliment can really impact a person’s life. Days, when we go to donate old clothes and books or give spare change to someone in need, is an …show more content…

When my friends or family members are going through tough times, I am here for a shoulder to cry on or to talk it out. I always love to support people’s decisions in life, because I know it’s what’s going to make them happy. When I support someone, I’m glad to know they have someone to be there for them, because that’s what matters. I always enjoying supporting the players in school sports games, and out of school sports games. I love being in the crowd and supportive in any way, even if all it takes is clapping. I want people to think of me as someone to come to when they have an issue, or just need to be cheered

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